
来源 :中国教师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wewe11111
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阅读教学的目的之一是培养学生独立阅读的能力和认真阅读的习惯。为达到上述目的,教师要激励学生全身心地、自觉主动地参与到学习活动中去。一、激发学生阅读的兴趣激发学生学习兴趣方法很多,诸如创设情境、开展竞赛、巧设问题、电教手段的使用等等。如我在教学《周总理借书》一课前,翻阅了大量资料,写了一篇充分体现总理一生鞠躬尽瘁、大公无私精神的短文。当我声情并茂地读完时,自己都感动得流泪了。学生也受到了老师的感染, One of the purposes of reading instruction is to develop students’ ability to read independently and to read them carefully. To achieve the above objectives, teachers should motivate students to participate wholeheartedly and voluntarily in learning activities. First, to stimulate students interest in reading to stimulate interest in learning a lot of students, such as the creation of situations, competitions, Qiao problems, the use of audio-visual means and so on. As I was teaching “Premier Zhou borrowed books” before a class, read a lot of information, wrote a fully reflect the Prime Minister’s life spared no efforts, the impartial spirit of the essay. When I was finished with my passion, I was moved to tears. Students have also been infected by the teacher,
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