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猕猴桃是原产我国的野生藤本果树,其中以中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis)分布广,资源多,据统计,全国蕴藏量约在1.5亿公斤以上。猕猴桃营养价值高,据分析,每百克鲜果含维生素C100—420毫克,比柑桔高5—10倍,比苹果、梨、葡萄等高30—100倍。除此,还含有其它多种营养物质,而且风味佳美,被誉为“水果之王”。目前不少国家正在引种栽培,作为一种新兴果树发展起来。 猕猴桃在野生状态,不同种类的果实外形、品质差异很大。用种子繁殖,成苗率低,雄株多,雌株少。利用优良单株(或类型)进行无性繁殖,扦插又较困难,特别是结果成年树,成活率很低,嫁接繁殖也受到一定限制。为了快速繁殖猕猴桃优良单株无性系,从1982年开始应用植物组织培养方法,进行试管苗的繁殖和移栽技术的试验, Actinidia chinensis (Actinidia chinensis) is widely distributed and has many resources. According to statistics, there are more than 150 million kilograms of reserves in the country. Kiwi nutritional value is high, according to the analysis, per hundred grams of fresh fruit with vitamin C100-420 mg, 5-10 times higher than oranges, apples, pears, grapes 30-100 times higher. In addition, it also contains a variety of other nutrients, but also Caramel, known as the “king of fruits.” At present, many countries are being introduced and cultivated as an emerging fruit tree. Kiwi in the wild, different types of fruit shape, quality vary widely. Seed breeding, seedling rate is low, more male plants, fewer female plants. The use of fine single (or type) asexual reproduction, cutting and more difficult, especially the results of adult trees, the survival rate is very low, grafting has also been limited. In order to rapidly propagate kiwifruit excellent single clones, plant tissue culture method was applied from 1982 to test the multiplication and transplanting of test tube seedlings,