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今年4月10日至15日,由世界中国烹饪联合会主办,以“中国烹饪迈向二十一世纪”为主题的第二届中国烹饪文化学术研讨会在狮城——新加坡的世界贸易中心召开。会议研讨的主要内容是:中国烹饪技艺、餐饮业经营管理、传统方式与现代技术和管理手段、中国烹饪的发展趋势等方面。会议收到的论文经审定编成了论文集。收入论文集的22篇论文中属烹饪技艺的1篇,属烹饪教育和学科研究的各1篇、烹饪历史文化研究4篇、餐饮业经营管理6篇、论述中国烹饪(包括地方菜系)发展趋势的9篇。这些论文的主要内容和观点可归纳如下: (一)关于对二十世纪中国烹饪的估价。二十世纪是中国烹饪事业大发展的世纪,特别是八、九十年代,发展很快。现在国外中餐馆达30多万家,中国厨师的足迹遍布五洲四海,烹饪高等教育、理论研究和出版业的兴起与迅速发展,“世界中国烹饪联合会”的成立,也是中国烹饪大发展的标志之一。 From April 10 to 15 this year, the 2nd China Cuisine Culture Symposium, sponsored by the World Chinese Cuisine Federation and headed “Chinese Cooking Towards the 21st Century,” was held at the World Trade Center in Singapore Held. The main topics discussed at the conference were: cooking techniques in China, operation and management of the restaurant industry, traditional ways and means of modern technology and management, and development trends of Chinese cuisine. Proceedings received conference papers compiled a validated proceedings. Among the 22 essays collected, one is cooking art, one is cooking education and one discipline research, four are cooking history and culture research, and six are restaurant management. The development trend of Chinese cooking (including local cuisine) is discussed 9 articles. The main contents of these papers and ideas can be summarized as follows: (A) on the twentieth century Chinese cooking valuation. The twentieth century is a century for the great development of Chinese culinary endeavor, especially in the eighties and nineties. Now there are more than 300,000 Chinese restaurants in the world. The Chinese cooks have traveled all over the continent. The rise and rapid development of higher education in cooking, theoretical research and publishing industry. The establishment of the “World Chinese Culinary Federation” is also a symbol of the great development of Chinese cooking. one.
第二治疗的五大生命组合不同癌症康复期的病人,其康复内容不尽相同。目前最有希望的康复方法,就是被称之为“生命五大组合”的中医疗法、 The five major lives of the seco
原辅料:鸡翅500克 香菇150克 菜油(或花生油)250克 大葱25克 老姜20克 料酒15克 白糖(或冰糖)10克 水淀粉20克 酱油25克 精盐、味精各适量 鲜汤300克 作法:将鸡翅洗净,顺关
康复的第一步,积极防治手术后并发症胃癌术后并发症主要表现为吻合口漏、胃出血、胃瘫、肠梗阻及倾倒综合征等,胃癌术后并发症的预防主要表现在以下几个方面: The first ste
摆花的种类 插花 可随意些,造型要注意顾及不同角度的观赏者。盆插可彩用基本水平形(全能形)。瓶插花材不宜太繁杂,有时仅一束错落有致的月季、康乃馨或扶郎花,稍加些绿叶或
澳大利亚女作家考琳·麦卡洛的作品《荆棘鸟》塑造了克利里家族祖孙三代女性的形象,并用古老的凯尔特人流传的传说中的荆棘鸟的形象(胸插荆棘,放声高歌)来 Australian woman
凉粉主要用绿豆淀粉制成,吃时配以各种佐料,香中带辣,咸中有酸,汁足味浓,爽滑可口,为北方夏季清凉爽口的一种传统风味小吃,可作正餐或下酒小菜。 原料:绿豆淀粉800克,白玉米