
来源 :北方园艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lidongying
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以兴安白头翁种子无菌苗幼芽为外植体,进行了组织培养与快繁技术研究。结果表明:兴安白头翁种子以0.1%氯化汞灭菌的最佳时间为4min;种子萌发的最佳培养基为MS+IAA 0.1mg/L;兴安白头翁愈伤组织最佳诱导培养基为MS+2,4-D 0.15mg/L+6-BA1.0mg/L;培养基MS+IAA 1.0mg/L+ZT 0.2mg/L最适合兴安白头翁愈伤组织不定芽的诱导;1/2MS+NAA 2.0mg/L为兴安白头翁的最佳生根培养基;草炭、园土及其等比混合基质对兴安白头翁移栽成活率影响不大,均达90%以上。 The seedlings of seedlings of sterile seedlings of Xingan Pulsatilla seeds were used as explants, and tissue culture and rapid propagation techniques were studied. The results showed that the best time for the seed germination of Xingan Pulsatilla to 0.1% mercuric chloride was 4min, the best medium for seed germination was MS + IAA 0.1mg / L, and the best induction medium for the callus of Xing’an Pulsatilla was MS + 2,4-D 0.15mg / L + 6-BA1.0mg / L; MS + IAA 1.0mg / L + ZT 0.2mg / L was most suitable for the induction of adventitious buds of Pulsatilla chinensis; 1 / 2MS + NAA 2.0mg / L is the best rooting medium for Pulsatilla L. Xingnian; peat, garden soil and its mixture ratio matrix had little effect on the survival rate of Xingan Pulsatilla, reaching more than 90%.
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摘要: 给出便携式电脑高品质音质的精巧电路。  关键词:高品质音频;便携式电脑
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构成罪恶根源的东西并非金钱,而是对金钱的爱。快乐的心情使一碟菜成为盛宴。  衣服上的污垢洗一洗就掉了,心里的臟事说出来便没有了。金钱买来的忠诚,会被金钱所收买。在拿不准时,要诚实。
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胡锦涛同志把中国共产党成立85年来的历史功绩概括为“建立新中国”、“确立社会主义制度”,“开创中国特色社会主义道路”三件大事 Comrade Hu Jintao has summarized the