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个人碳交易是一种直接针对个体消费者的碳减排市场机制,旨在通过引导、管制和鼓励等方式改变消费者高碳能源消费模式,形成低碳能源消费模式,以实现碳减排目的.本文基于消费者行为理论,构建了个人碳交易体系下消费者能源消费效用优化模型和福利变化测度模型,并运用中国电力消费数据对模型结果进行实证分析.结果表明:碳排放权市场交易量与初始碳排放权、能源价格呈显出先增后减的变化规律;碳排放权市场交易量与交易成本呈负向相关关系;初始碳排放权正向影响高排放者和低排放者的能源消费量;交易成本正向影响低排放者能源消费量、负向影响高排放者能源消费量;由于缓冲效应的存在,能源价格对消费者能源消费量的影响不显著;个人碳交易体系下,高排放者是福利的受损方,而低排放者是福利的获益方,实现了高污染者向低污染者的补贴,有助于促进社会公平.该研究成果对于今后个人碳交易的实施具有一定的引导和借鉴意义. Personal carbon trading is a carbon emission reduction market mechanism that directly targets individual consumers. It aims to change the consumption pattern of high-carbon energy consumers through guidance, regulation and encouragement so as to form a low-carbon energy consumption pattern so as to achieve carbon emission reduction goals Based on the theory of consumer behavior, this paper constructs the consumer energy consumption utility optimization model and the welfare change measurement model under the personal carbon trading system, and uses the Chinese electricity consumption data to make an empirical analysis of the model results.The results show that the carbon emissions trading volume And the initial carbon emission right, the energy price showed the first increase and then decrease; the carbon trading volume and the transaction cost had a negative correlation; the initial carbon emission right positively influenced the energy of the high-emission and low-emission Consumption; transaction costs positively affect the energy consumption of low-emission emitters and negatively affect the energy consumption of high-emitters; the impact of energy prices on consumer energy consumption is not significant due to the cushion effect; under the personal carbon trading system, High emitters are the beneficiaries, while low emitters are the beneficiaries of welfare, and subsidies for low-polluters from polluters are helpful Promote social equity. The research results for the implementation of future personal carbon trading has a certain guidance and reference.
国土资厅发〔2010〕60号各省、自治区、直辖市国土资源厅(国土环境资源厅、国土资源局、国土资源和房屋管理局、规划和国土资源管理局):为了解国有地勘单位登记探矿权 Land