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每年,在我们赏过了春芽、夏华、秋果之后,便进入一个整理与筹划季节,筹划着明年新的绿色的春、红色的夏、金色的秋和纯洁无瑕的白色的冬的日子的过法。每年此时,本刊编辑都要重温办刊宗旨——“面向班主任、服务班主任、依靠班主任、提高班主任”。《班主任》是杂志社创办的,但她是属于全国班主任的;《班主任》是编辑们精心培育的,但她拥有全国班主任赋予的独立品格和道德使命;《班主任》受到越来越多班主任的喜爱,但她深知自己永远是一线班主任的参谋和助手。这个办刊宗旨,我们已经坚持29年了,它是读者和作者们集体智慧的结晶。《班主任》,是读者和作者们共同努力的成果。读者们在每天发来的邮件中提出的办刊意见和建议,作者们在每次座谈会上所表达的意见和建议,编辑部都给予充分重视。班主任工作很庞杂、很辛劳,班主任理论却很散乱、很粗糙,各方对班主任工作的期望又很高。因 Every year, after we have appraised spring buds, summer flowers and autumn fruits, we enter into a season of finishing and planning, planning next spring’s new green, red summer, golden autumn and pure white winter. Over the law. At this time of year, our editors must review the purpose of running the magazine - “for the class teacher, service class teacher, rely on the class teacher to improve class teacher ”. The “head teacher” was founded by a magazine, but she belonged to the national class teacher; the “teacher in charge” was carefully nurtured by the editors, but she had the independent character and moral mission entrusted to the head teachers nationwide; the “head teacher” was influenced by more and more class teachers Love, but she knows he will always be front-line teacher’s staff and assistants. The purpose of this publication, we have been insisting for 29 years, it is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of readers and authors. “Class teacher” is the result of joint efforts of readers and authors. The comments and suggestions made by readers in the daily emails sent by the readers, the opinions and suggestions expressed by the authors at each symposium, the editorial department have given full attention. Class teacher work is very complex, very hard, the class teacher theory is very scattered, very rough, the expectations of the class teacher work is very high. because
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