全国民兵政治教育统一教材 第四课 带头学习贯彻《国防教育法》 推动全民国防教育深入开展

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4月28日,国家主席江泽民签署主席令,公布施行九届全国人大常委会第21次会议审议通过的《中华人民共和国国防教育法》(以下简称《国防教育法》),这对于普及和加强国防教育,增强全民国防现念,激发人民群众的爱国热情,促进国防建设和社会主义精神文明建设,具有极其重要的意义。广大民兵、预备役人员要带头学习贯彻《国防教育法》,推动全民国防教育的深入开展,积极为提高全民国防观念,巩固和加强国防建设贡献力量。 On April 28, President Jiang Zemin signed the chairman’s order announcing the “National Defense Education Law of the People’s Republic of China” (hereinafter referred to as the “National Defense Education Law”) passed by the 21st meeting of the Ninth NPC Standing Committee for its review and approval, which is of great significance to the popularization and strengthening of National defense education, enhancing the people’s awareness of national defense, arousing the patriotic fervor of the people and promoting the building of a national defense and building a socialist spiritual civilization are of great significance. The majority of militia and reserve personnel should take the lead in studying and implementing the “National Defense Education Law,” promoting the deepening of national defense education for all, and actively contributing to strengthening the concept of national defense and consolidating and strengthening national defense.
趋势科技已取得Cisco Trust Agent终端软件代理程序和NAC计划主要组件的授权,并计划特别为OfficeScan企业版开发一个软件组件,以便把客户端的防毒信息传递给Cisco的网络设备
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