
来源 :国外医药.合成药.生化药.制剂分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acmilanno1
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卡托普利是一种血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,常用于口服降血压,疗效良好。但有两个缺点,一是单剂量口服作用持续约6~8小时,因而临床每天需服3次,二是与食物同用,生物利用度显著降低,研究表明在高pH值中迅速降解是其主要原因。本文设计二种新制剂,一是尽可能延长保留在胃肠道近端的漂浮胶囊,二是生物粘附片。各设计了7种处方,前者用不同配比的羟丙基甲基纤维素(Methocel K4M及K15M)、乳糖、微晶纤维素及少量硬脂酸镁,过筛混匀,装入胶囊而成。后者用缓释型丙烯酸树脂Eudrgit RS 100或乙基纤维素作阻滞剂,以聚羟乙烯Carbopol 9349或丙烯酸与丙烯 Captopril is an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, commonly used in oral antihypertensive, good effect. However, there are two disadvantages. First, oral administration of a single dose lasts for about 6 to 8 hours. Therefore, it is required to take 3 times a day in clinical practice. Second, with food, the bioavailability is significantly reduced. Studies have shown that rapid degradation in high pH is The main reason. This article designs two kinds of new preparations, one is to extend as far as possible to retain the floating capsule in the proximal gastrointestinal tract, the second is the bioadhesive sheet. The design of the seven kinds of prescriptions, the former with different proportions of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (Methocel K4M and K15M), lactose, microcrystalline cellulose and a small amount of magnesium stearate, sifted through the screen, into the capsule . The latter with a sustained-release acrylic resin Eudrgit RS 100 or ethyl cellulose as a retarder to polyethylene glycol Carbopol 9349 or acrylic acid and propylene
日前 ,上海市财政局、上海市国家税务局、上海市地方税务局以沪财企一(2000)118号文件转发财政部、国家税务总局《关于工程勘察设计单位体制改革若干税收政策的通知》[财税字(2000)38号]。内称 :
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超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide dismutase 简称SOD),是一种重要的自由基清除剂,已广泛应用于临床。本文将SOD 制成霜剂,用于治疗雀斑和痤疮,取得较好效果,现报告如下。 Supero
对象与方法参加治疗的有男性209例,女性124例。有性病史女性则有与淋病男性性交史,阴道涂片在多形核白细胞内有革兰氏染色阴性的淋病双球菌。怀孕、胃肠 Subjects and meth
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细胞色素氧化酶由 13个亚基组成 ,其中构成级联反应核心的最大 3个亚基 (COXI、COXII和COXIII)由mtDNA编码 ,其余 10个亚基 (COⅣ ,Ⅴa ,Ⅴb ,Ⅵa ,Ⅵb ,Ⅵc ,Ⅶa ,Ⅶb ,Ⅶc