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今天一大早,哈维就拉着家里的大山羊出去吃草。在他家附近,有一块边长8米的正方形地,里面长满了绿油油的青草。他刚到草地,托尼也拉着他家的大绵羊过来了。两人一商量,分别把羊拴在对角B、C处。为了让羊吃到足够多的草,他们把栓羊的绳子都放到了8米。两只羊欢快地吃着草,两个小伙伴坐在草地边闲聊起来。 Early today, Harvey took the big goats at home and went out to graze. Near his house, there is a square 8 meters long and covered with lush green grass. He had just arrived in the meadow, and Tony had brought in his big sheep. Two people to discuss, respectively, tied to the sheep in the diagonal B, C Department. In order for the sheep to eat enough grass, they put the rope of the sheep in a pile of 8 meters. Two sheep cheerfully eating grass, two small partners chatting in the grass while sitting.
The authors examined the effect of pravastatin 40 mg daily on the progression of ischemic brain lesions using repeated brain MRI. After a mean treatment perio d
本刊讯为保证农民工进城务工道路顺畅,张家口市经过认真清理,及时取消了针对农民工的歧视性政策和不合理收费。 该市规定,各级各类职业介绍机构要按照省物价局等9部门《关于
In recent years, blind source separation (BSS) by independent component analysis (ICA) has been drawing much attention because of its potential applications in
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曾经的国内前三大视频网站之一的我乐网关停,已经砸入我乐网的3000万美元要想“解套”是何其之难。视频牌照的政策暗礁浮出了水面,也使资本陷入了未知风险的死循环。 Once t
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FRAMIG 2000 is a population-based survey of medical and therapeutic managemen t of migraine in France. A total of 312 migraine sufferers were first identified f