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铁路运输企业的固定资产是保证铁路运输生产 的主要劳动资料,是完成铁路运输生产的“主要物质技术基础。管好用好这笔固定资产,是关系到维护国家、人民利益的头等大事。 计提固定资产折旧资金是确保国有资产保值增值的重要手段之一,电是企业内涵扩大再生产的重要资金来源。使用和管理折旧资金是各级计划部门和企业主要领导者的职责。 铁道部对固定资产折旧资金的提取和管理经历了几个阶段。随着《中华人民共和国全民所有制工业企业法》和《中华人民共和国铁路法》的颁布实施,依照全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例,制定了《铁路企业转换经营机制实施办法》。按照本办法,部计划司在铁计[1990]55号文的基础上制定了《关于扩大铁路局更新改造投资决策权的规定》(铁计[1995]173号文)。 The fixed assets of a railway transport enterprise are the main labor data for guaranteeing the production of railway transport and the main material and technological basis for the completion of railway transport production.Having good use of this fixed asset is the top priority for the interests of the country and the people. Providing fixed assets depreciation funds is one of the important means to ensure the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets, electricity is an important source of funds to expand the reproduction of enterprise content. The use and management of depreciation funds is the responsibility of the major leaders of the planning departments and enterprises at all levels. With the promulgation and implementation of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Industrialized Enterprises under the People’s Republic of China” and the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Railways”, the regulations on the conversion of operating mechanism of industrial enterprises under ownership by the whole people have been formulated and the “ According to the Measures, the Ministry of Planning and Development Department formulated the ”Provisions on Expanding the Decision-making Power of Investment and Renewal of Railway Administrations" (TJ [1995] 173) on the basis of TJ [1990] No. 55 No. text).
12月16日,广东省档案学会2008年学术年会在省档案局召开,来自全省各地的论文作者共60多人参加了年会。省档案学会常务理事石大泱主持年会,他在会上对本 On December 16, the
指导学生掌握学习物理方法,涉及的面是很广的,本文就基础知识的掌握、应用方面,谈三点认识: 一、学会整理内容、总结体系华罗庚教授在六十年代向青年学生谈到对知识的掌握时
在我国悠久的历史文化宝库中有一颗最闪亮的明珠,那就是唐诗,而说起唐诗,有哪一个中国人不能随口背诵几句李白、杜甫、白居易的诗歌呢?唐诗早已以自 There is one of the mo