
来源 :河南预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snelgar
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目的了解河南省公众对结核病健康教育的需求,为开展结核病健康教育工作提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,抽取6个调查点。采用统一问卷对调查点15岁及以上居民进行面对面询问式调查。调查内容包括调查对象一般情况和结核病健康教育需求。使用SPSS15.0软件分析资料,应用χ~2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果回收调查问卷1 057份,结核病健康教育需求率为99.81%(1 055/1 057)。公众最希望获得结核病防治信息途径的前5位是“广播电视等”(63.70%)、“医生宣传”(59.80%)、“张贴画等”(34.80%)、“报刊杂志”(19.20%)和“传单折页等”(19.00%)。对于结核病健康教育信息的内容偏好,45.80%的调查对象选择了“图画为主的材料”。不同特征的公众结核病健康教育的途径和内容偏好不同。结论河南省公众结核病健康教育需求很大,公众更愿意从传统媒体获取直观的信息。针对不同人群,应有针对性地开展结核病健康教育。 Objective To understand the public demand for health education in tuberculosis in Henan Province and provide a scientific basis for carrying out health education on tuberculosis. Methods A multi-stage stratified random sampling method was used to extract 6 investigation points. A unified questionnaire was used to conduct a face-to-face interrogative survey of residents aged 15 and over at the investigation points. The survey included the general conditions of the respondents and the health education needs of TB. SPSS15.0 software analysis of data, the application ofχ ~ 2 test, P <0.05 for the difference was statistically significant. Results A total of 1 057 questionnaires were collected. The demand rate of health education for tuberculosis was 99.81% (1 055/1 057). The top five most sought after access to information on tuberculosis prevention and control are public health services such as “radio and television” (63.70%), “doctor’s promotion” (59.80%), “postage” (34.80%), Newspapers and magazines “(19.20%) and” leaflets and other folding “” (19.00%). For the content preference of TB health education information, 45.80% of respondents chose “picture-based material ”. Different characteristics of public health education in tuberculosis approach and content preferences are different. Conclusion There is a great demand for public health education in public tuberculosis in Henan Province, and the public is more willing to obtain direct information from traditional media. For different groups of people, TB education should be targeted.
新中国成立 50年来 ,尤其是改革开放 2 0年来 ,广西社会科学研究取得了丰硕的成果 ,为广西经济发展和社会进步作出了应有的贡献。为了从不同角度、层面上对广西社会科学研究
《群众》周刊,是抗战时期中国共产党在国统区公开出版的第一个党刊,1937年12月11日在汉口创刊。编辑兼发行人,是筹备《新华日报》的负责人潘梓年(1893—1972)。 作为国共两党