
来源 :戏曲与俗文学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chouyez
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清代戲曲價值大而研究者少,下筆易而突破難,關鍵問題是研究資料難以搜訪。儘管經過衆多學者的不懈努力,資料搜集工作已取得一些成果,但相對於清代戲曲史料的總量而言,還有相當多的散見史料有待發掘。目下的史料整理,仍難以滿足研究者的需要。鑒於此,本書編者承前賢時彦之餘緒,計劃編纂一套《清代散見戲曲史料彙編》,分爲《詩詞卷》《方志卷》《筆記卷》《小説卷》《詩話卷》《尺牘卷》《日記卷》《文告卷》《圖像卷》等,將依次推出,以期對清代戲曲的整體研究有所助推。已出版的《詩詞卷·初編》《詩詞卷·二編》,共收録清代600餘位作家的2576題(4000首左右)涉劇詩、詞。本編爲《方志卷·初編》,共使用方志320餘種,搜得涉劇(含伎藝表演)内容1636則,資料涵蓋25個省。所收散見戲曲史料的學術價值,主要表現在如下幾個方面:一是頻繁的節令慶典、密集的廟會祭儀與戲曲、歌舞等伎藝表演的密切融合、互爲作用。村鎮必有廟,有廟必有祭,有祭必有會,逢會必演戲,已成爲傳統社會民間生活之常態,這大大提高了戲曲的地位,甚或有人將戲曲與被奉爲儒家經典的《詩》等量齊觀。二是戲曲、歌舞、雜耍等表演伎藝的多層面載述。在伎藝表演方面,如鐵花、橋燈、龍舟、抬垛、緣竿、猴戲、説平話、跳脚舞、跳端公、秧歌、節節高、雲車等,均曾涉及。在戲曲演出方面,清戲、囉囉腔、梆子腔、南腔、昆腔、弋陽腔、秦腔以及採茶歌、花鼓戲、影戲等各類戲曲及地方聲腔的生存狀態與活動場景均有載述。在演出場所方面,有各神廟前戲臺(或戲樓)的演出、搭臺演戲、在船上或水面演劇等。在戲曲班社的運作方式上,主要有熱心人士“醵錢演劇”、農民主動凑錢演戲、商賈富豪(6流出資演戲、靠演出基金盈利所得支撑演出等形式。三是在劇目著録、戲曲班社及戲曲語言方面的文獻價值。在相關劇目的收録方面,涉及古代戲曲劇目五六十種,其中《存孤記》《梁太傅傳奇》《桂宫秋》《玉蓮華》《鴛鴦傳奇》《霜磨劍》《黄亮國傳奇》《蓮花報》《臺城記》等,論者極少,資料彌足珍貴;在方言、俗語、隱語、江湖市語的收録方面,不僅有助於對小説、戲曲之類作品文本的理解,而且還爲語言研究提供了珍貴的史料。 There are few researchers in the Qing Dynasty opera with great value, and it is difficult to break through the writing. The key problem is that it is hard to search for the research materials. Despite the unremitting efforts of many scholars, some achievements have been made in data collection. However, there are still quite a lot of scattered historical materials to be explored relative to the total amount of historical materials in the Qing Dynasty. The current historical data is still difficult to meet the needs of researchers. In view of this, the author of this book, Cheng Yin Xian Yu Zhi Xu, plans to compile a “compilation of scattered drama historical materials in the Qing Dynasty” is divided into “poetry volume”, “Chi volume” “note volume” “novel volume” “poetry volume” “Diary volume”, “Wen Juan volume” “image volume”, etc., will be introduced in order to promote the overall study of Qing Dynasty opera. Has published “volume of poetry” the first volume “” poetry volume two series “, contains a total of more than 600 writers in the Qing Dynasty 2576 questions (about 4000 or so) involved in poetry, words. This book is ”the volume of the first volume of the book,“ a total of more than 320 kinds of chi, search involved in drama (including the performance of art) content 1636, data covers 25 provinces. The academic value of the drama historical materials collected and dismissed is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, frequent festivals and ceremonies, intensive temple festivals, drama, song and dance, etc. are closely integrated and play the role of each other. There must be a temple in the village, a temple there must be a festival, a festival there will be, every meeting will play, and it has become the norm in the traditional social folk life. This has greatly enhanced the status of opera, and even some people regard opera as a Confucian classics The same amount of poetry. Second, drama, song and dance, juggling and other performing arts and crafts multi-level description. In the art performance, such as iron flower, bridge lamp, dragon boat, lift pile, edge pole, monkey play, to speak Ping dialect, hopping dance, hopping public, Yangko, steadily high, cloud car, have been involved. In the performance of the opera, the living conditions and activity scenes of various operas and local sound cavities such as Qing Opera, Lao Cavity, Bangzi Cavity, Southern Cavalry, Kunqu Opera, Yiyang Cavalry, Qincun Opera and Tea-picking Songs, Flower Drum Opera, and Movie Theater are all described. In the area of ​​performance, there are performances of the temples (or the theater) before the temples, the stage performances, the performances on board or on the water. In the operation of the drama class society, there are mainly enthusiastic people ”play money drama“, peasants take the initiative to play choreography, business tycoons, The catalogs of the related repertoire involve fifty or sixty kinds of ancient drama repertoire, of which ”Lonely orphan“, ”Legend of Liang Taifu“, ”Gui Gong Qiu“, ”Yulianhua“, ” Mandarin duck legend “,” Frost Grind Sword, “” Legend of Huang Liangguo, “” Lotus Newspaper, “” Taiwan City, "and so on, few commentators, the information is precious; in dialects, slang, hidden language, arena not only contribute to The fiction, drama and other works of the text to understand, but also for language research provides a valuable historical data.
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