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The present U.S Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the former First Lady, won full support of a wide range of voters, especially women voters in 2008 presidential election. All the successes that she made are closely related to her brilliant speeches. This paper attempts to analyze the rhetorical effects of some f igures of speech commonly used in her speeches, and also discuss some ‘untranslatable’ rhetorical devices. In consideration of the distinctive style of speech, the liberal and literal translations are employed translating these rhetorical devices, in hopes to reproduce the idea, spirit and style of the The present US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the former First Lady, won full support of a wide range of voters, especially women voters in 2008 presidential election. All the successes that she made are closely related to her brilliant speeches. This paper attempts to analyze the rhetorical effects of some f igures of speech commonly used in her speeches, and also discuss some ’untranslatable’ rhetorical devices. In consideration of the distinctive style of speech, the liberal and literal translations are employed translating these rhetorical devices, in hopes to reproduce the idea, spirit and style of the
即便是不施脂粉, Nelly也能吸引住众人的目光,言谈举止中的稳重,举手投足间的优雅,让人很难相信她才只有18岁只有当她抱着那只与自己形影不离的小熊的时候,你才会感受到她纯
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Ringo Deathstarr难道是披头士鼓手Ringo Starr的新乐队么?大错特错,这压根和林格·斯塔尔、和披头士没半点关系,他们是一支美国德州的独立乐队。正是因为他们刻意地使用了披
This paper presents a research methodology associated with approximately a decade old computa- tional geosciences. To demonstrate how it can be used to investig
病历摘要 23岁女性,因间歇发热伴头痛2月余,于1980年8月3日入院。患者于1980年5月中旬无痰咳嗽,5月30日畏寒发热,门诊治疗3天热退,症状减轻。此后发热头痛反复发作,每次2—3