
来源 :鸭绿江(下半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sh_xq
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蒋小弟光着屁股,羞愧落寞的站在讲台上,面对着全班同学心如死灰,半褪下的裤子皱巴巴堆在膝盖上。全班同学个个低着头,谁都不好意思看他那肉乎乎的屁股,屁股上挂着的“附件”一览无余,女生更是低着头,有的甚至紧紧闭上眼睛。当然,蒋小弟本人也同样弯的像根豆芽似的低着头!蒋小弟懊悔不已,他哪知道因为上周迟到,导致他们五年一班被扣了分,害的他们班没被评上优秀班级与流动红旗失之交臂,给全班拖后腿直接拖到了大腿根,因而惹怒了班主任崔老师。 Jiang brother bare buttocks, shame lonely standing on the podium, in the face of the classmate heart ashamed, half-faded trousers piled on his knees. Everybody bowed his head, no one embarrassed to look at his meaty buttocks, hanging on the buttocks “attachment ” glance, the girls are more head down, and some even close your eyes tightly . Of course, Chiang Kai-shek himself bent over like a head of bean sprouts! He regretted that he knew that because of their lateness last week, they were denied scoring for five years in a row Outstanding classes and the flow of red flag missed, dragging the class drag directly to the thigh, which angered the teacher Cui.
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