本文从规制、市场和商业趋势三个角度回溯2015年全球广播影视的发展。在规制层面,争论已久的“网络中立”政策终于获得美国联邦通信委员会的通过,而业界十分关注的UHF频谱再分配,也在2015年世界无线电通信大会上尘埃落定,UHF电视频谱得到了有效保护。在市场层面,世界经济的不景气并未阻止新兴网络视听媒体开疆拓土,著名的在线影片租赁公司奈飞(Netflix)的大规模全球扩张足以吸引全球业界的目光。大型并购也异常活跃,美国第二大有线电视公司时代华纳有线并购案和全美第一大卫星电视公司Direct TV并购案可谓大手笔。在数字时代如何成为胜者?也许“粉丝”商业模式将是制胜法宝。
This article reviews the development of global radio, film and television in 2015 from the perspectives of regulation, market and business trends. At the regulatory level, the long-debated “network neutrality ” policy has finally been adopted by the US Federal Communications Commission, and the industry is very concerned about the UHF spectrum redistribution, but also at the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference, the dust settles, UHF television spectrum Have been effectively protected. At the market level, the downturn in the global economy has not stopped the emerging Web audio-visual media from breaking ground and the large-scale global expansion of Netflix, a well-known online movie rental company, is enough to attract the attention of the global industry. Large mergers and acquisitions are also very active, the United States the second-largest cable company Time Warner Cable M & A and the nation’s largest satellite TV company Direct TV mergers and acquisitions can be described as generous. How to become the winner in the digital age? Perhaps “fan ” business model will be a winning weapon.