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案情回放受益人向某银行(信用证指定议付行,下称“寄单行”)提交一笔信用证项下单据,金额USD57820.00,期限为提单日后80天,到期日12月16日。寄单行9月29日向开证行寄单后,开证行以“保险单未背书”为由提出拒付。寄单行和受益人确认保险单已经背书。寄单行于10月21日驳回上述不符点。几天后,寄单行收到开证行退回的保单,该保单确已背书,只是油印不清晰。10月24日,寄单行又收到开证行来电:“现根据申请人的指示,将全套正本提单退回做进一步处理。鉴于该批货物的目的港和收货人已经变更,受益人将重新出具另一套新提单。”受益人称上述情况属实。因卸货港和收货人有变更,受益人已和申请人协商将提单退回,重新出具新提单。10月27 The beneficiary of the case replaces a document under a letter of credit with the amount of USD57820.00 to a bank (negotiable negotiating bank designated as “L / C” hereinafter) for a term of 80 days after bill of lading, expiration date of December 16th Send a single line September 29 to the issuing bank to send a single, the issuing bank to “insurance policy not endorsement ” on the grounds that protest. Send a single bank and the beneficiary confirmed the insurance policy has endorsed. Send a single line on October 21 rejected the discrepancies. A few days later, the receipt of the receipt of the issuing bank to return the policy, the policy has indeed endorsed, but the imprint is not clear. On October 24, the delivery receipt was received again by the issuing bank: “Now, according to the instructions of the applicant, the full original bill of lading is returned for further processing. Since the port of destination and the consignee of the shipment have been changed, the beneficiaries will Reissue another new bill of lading. ”" The beneficiaries state that the above is true. As the port of discharge and the consignee have changed, the beneficiary has negotiated with the applicant to return the bill of lading and reissue the new bill of lading. October 27
1.种子贮藏农户在购种后应在浸种前20天左右晒种一次,冷却后用塑料袋密封贮藏待用。同时要防止鼠害,注意不要与农药、化肥以及一些有刺激性的物质混放。 2.选种消毒杂交稻种
该文主要讨论了如何用Visual Basic 5.0在windows95/NT下实现电力参数远程通信及数据管理系统的方法,该系统具有用户界面友好,功能全面,使用方便等特点,实际使用效果良好,提高了工