Facile Solid-State Synthesis Route to Metal Nitride Nanoparticles

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gebmmi
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By a facile and efficient solid-state reaction route using an organic reagent cyanamide(CN_2H_2)as a precur- sor with another one being metal oxides,we successfully synthesized seven technologically important metal nitrides including cubic VN,CrN,NbN,hexagonal GaN,AIN,BN,and WN at moderate temperatures.The experimental results show that cyanamide(CN_2H_2)is a powerfully reducing and nitridizing reagent and the metal oxides are completely converted into the corresponding nitride nanoparticles at lower temperatures than that reported in the conventional methods.It is found that CN_2H_2 can exhibit some interesting condensation processes,and the final products,highly active carbon nitride species,play a crucial role in the reducing and nitridizing processes. By a facile and efficient solid-state reaction route using an organic reagent cyanamide (CN_2H_2) as a precur- sor with another one being metal oxides, we successfully synthesized seven technologically important metal nitrides including cubic VN, CrN, NbN, hexagonal GaN, AIN , BN, and WN at moderate temperatures. The experimental results show that cyanamide (CN_2H_2) is a powerfully reducing and nitridizing reagent and the metal oxides are completely converted into the corresponding nitride nanoparticles at lower temperatures than that reported in the conventional methods. It is is found that CN_2H_2 can exhibit some interesting condensation processes, and the final products, highly active carbon nitride species, play a crucial role in the reducing and nitridizing processes.
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