National standard GB3480-83 “involute cylindrical gear bearing capacity calculation method” (hereinafter referred to as national standard), through the corresponding foreign standards analysis and demonstration of domestic and foreign products and bench production demonstration, approved by the National Bureau of Standards, from 1984 January 1, 2001 began to implement, thus ending the chaos of the calculation method of the past gear in our country. National standard GB3480-83 is based on the international standard draft recommendation ISO / TC60422E ~ 424E-80 based on the formulation. On the premise of consistency of the symbols, principles and basic formulas with the ISO standards, it has made some additions and deletions in the structure and content according to the specific conditions of our country, and has taken note of its simplicity and practicability as much as possible. We think it is perfectly appropriate to do so. This article analyzes the characteristics of national standard calculations, and recommend to readers a simple and practical computer programs.