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植保档案是农业科技档案中一个重要的组成部分,它是广大植保科技人员在与农作物病虫作斗争中,摸索出的第一手技术资料,是农业生产上不可缺少的极其珍贵的财富。完整、系统收集好植保文件材料,是植保档案发挥作用的前提条件。植保文件材料的收集范围,概括起来主要有以下几个方面:一、病虫测报资料。这是植保档案中最关键性的资料。它主要有病虫情 Plant protection archives is an important part of agricultural science and technology files. It is the first-hand technical information that the plant protection scientists and scientists scrambled in combating crop diseases and insect pests. It is an extremely precious asset indispensable to agricultural production. Complete and systematic collection of plant protection documents is a prerequisite for the role of plant protection records. The collection scope of plant protection documents and materials can be summarized as follows: First, pest forecasting data. This is the most crucial piece of information in the plant protection archives. It is mainly pests and diseases
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Background: Determinants of survival and of risk of vascular events after tra nsient ischaemic attack (TIA) or minor ischaemic stroke are not well defined in th
Trigeminovascular activation is involved in the pathophysiology of migraine and cluster headache. The marker evaluated best for trigeminovascular activation is
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