腰痛是一种常见病、多见病。除运动所致的腰痛外,由于心理、精神及情绪异常引起的腰痛,叫“心因性腰痛”。 “心因性腰痛”主要见于中年妇女。患“心因性腰痛”的妇女,其性格多为孤僻、内向、心胸狭小、多愁善感过于敏感、常常注意力放在极微小的事物上,易觉察别人不易察觉的细小的事情。她们常因学习、工作和生活遭受挫折或家庭发生不幸而发病。她们由于焦虑过度而腰痛,腰痛反过来又加深其焦虑,常伴有头昏目眩、失眠多梦、耳鸣心、悸等,且用常规治疗腰痛的办法难以奏效。
Back pain is a common disease, more common disease. In addition to low back pain caused by exercise, due to psychological, mental and emotional abnormalities caused by low back pain, called “heart due to low back pain.” “Cause of low back pain” mainly seen in middle-aged women. Women suffering from “heartache due to low back pain”, their character is mostly eccentric, introverted, narrow-minded, sentimental too sensitive, often focus on the smallest things, easy to detect others are not easily aware of the small things. They often suffer from learning, work-life frustration, or family unfortunateness. Low back pain due to over-anxiety, low back pain in turn deepen their anxiety, often accompanied by dizziness, insomnia and more dreams, tinnitus, palpitations, etc., and with conventional treatment of low back pain is difficult to work.