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有机化学是一门重要的基础课程,要学好这门课程,实验是一个重要的环节,约占总学时的1/3。实验内容包括基本操作技术、典型有机物的性质实验、有机合成和天然产物的提取四个方面。其中有机合成主要是训练学生正确选择有机物的合成与分离提纯的方法和步骤,以培养独立工作能力。过去的有机合成实验大都采用常量法,试剂用量在5~50克范围内。由于试剂用量较多、不仅实验费用高,花费时间也多。1987年以来,我们对有机化学实验课进行了改革,用半微量法和微量法代替常量法有机合成实验。具体做法是:固态有机物的合成用微量法,试剂用量一般为100毫克、约为常量法的1/50最后可得约100毫克固态产物。在实践中,我们感到液态有机物的微最合成要比固态有机物困难得多。主要原因是:固态有机物可以通过结晶和重结晶来分离提纯,100毫克左右的固体样品用常规方法完全可以进行重结晶操作。液态产物的微量合成最终 Organic chemistry is an important basic course, to learn this course, the experiment is an important part, accounting for about 1/3 of the total class time. The experimental contents include the basic operation techniques, the experiment of the properties of typical organic compounds, organic synthesis and the extraction of natural products. Organic synthesis is mainly to train students in the correct choice of organic synthesis and separation and purification methods and steps to cultivate independent working ability. The past, most of the organic synthesis experiments using constant method, the amount of reagents in the range of 5 to 50 grams. Due to the large amount of reagents, not only the experimental cost is high, it takes more time. Since 1987, we have reformed the organic chemistry experiment class and replaced the constant-volume organic synthesis experiment with semi-trace and trace methods. The specific approach is: the synthesis of solid organic compounds using trace method, the amount of reagents is generally 100 mg, about constant method of 1/50 finally available about 100 mg of solid product. In practice, we feel the micro-synthesis of liquid organic matter is much more difficult than that of solid organic matter. The main reason is that solid organic compounds can be separated and purified by crystallization and recrystallization. Solid samples of about 100 mg can be completely recrystallized by conventional methods. Microfine synthesis of liquid products finally
纳络酮能有效对抗因海洛因及同类药物(毒品)所致呼吸及循环抑制。本文为纳络酮用药量超过常规用药量30倍,成功抢救1例重度冰毒中毒的报告。1 病例介绍患者,王某,男,38岁,吸