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藏文是世界上最古老的文字之一。有关藏文起源的问题,各届存在几种不同的观点,传统佛教界认为是吞弥·桑布扎所创造的,距今有1300多年的历史;西藏本土宗教苯教认为是苯教始祖辛饶米沃奇所创;还有学者认为是脱胎于伽湿弥罗文(今克什米尔文),或者象雄玛尔文或者黎宇文(于田文)等等等等。现在有些专家学者从目前的考古成果和资料记载中发现藏文的历史可能早于1300年前。 Tibetan is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world. There are several different views about the origin of Tibetan language in each session. The traditional Buddhist circles think it was created by Janam Sabuza and have a history of over 1,300 years ago. Bon religion, a native religion in Tibet, Rao Mi Woqi created; there are scholars think it is born out of Ganesh Mero (now Kashmir), or as male Malvern or Li Yuwen (Yu Tianwen) and so on and so forth. Now some experts and scholars from the current archaeological achievements and data records found that the history of Tibetan may be as early as 1300 years ago.
Last years the excimer laser surgery attracts more and more attention of researchers. At the end of 1999 a portable specialized excimer laser unit with a 193nm
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Puprose: To evaluate the current intraocular pressure (IOP) control in patients whose glaucoma had been controlled on echothio-phate iodide (PI) therapy until
Purpose: To compare diurnal control of intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucoma patients with once-a-day timolol 0.1% gel given in the morning or in te evening.