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2004年12月3日,四川达州的万源市万人空巷,人们肃立在大街的两旁。阴沉的天空下起了浙淅沥沥的小雨,后河无声地流淌着万源人的伤悲。徐景平的灵车缓缓地行进着,车后默默地跟随着送行的人群。徐景平78岁白发苍苍的老母亲悲痛难抑,捶着胸无助地哭着喊道:“儿啊,你咋就走在妈的前头哇?!”这撕心裂肺的哭声像一道响雷滚过沉寂的天际。顿时,街头巷尾哭声一片。12月1日中午,万源市纪委常委、监察局副局长徐景平在下乡处理鹰背乡经济违纪问题结案工作返回途中,因过度劳累,突发心脏病猝死,终年41岁。“秉公执纪浩气长存,英年早逝巴山垂泪”。在徐景平同志追悼会上的巨幅挽联,表达了万源人民对他的崇高评价。原达州市委书记、现四川省委副秘 On December 3, 2004, thousands of people in Wanyuan City, Dazhou, Sichuan were emptying streets and people stood on either side of the main street. Under the gloomy sky, there was a light rain of Zhejiang Luliao, and the river sadly flowed Wanyuanren silently. Xu Jingping hearse slowly moving forward, after the car silently follow the crowd. Xu Jingping 78-year-old white-haired old mother saddened, hammering helplessly cry cried cried: “ah, ah, you ye go in front of the mother wow ?!” This piercing cry like a Thunder rolling over the silence of the sky. Suddenly, the streets crying one. December 1 at noon, Wanyuan City Commission for Discipline Inspection, Supervision Bureau Deputy Director Xu Jingping in the countryside to deal with the Eagle Rural economy discipline problems on the way back to work, due to overwork, sudden cardiac death, at the age of 41 years. “Bingji Ji Ji-longevity, the British died young Bashan tears.” In the memorial service of Comrade Xu Jingping’s huge elegy, he expressed the noble appraisal of him by Wanyuan people. Former party secretary of Dazhou, Sichuan Province is the Deputy Secretary
双目间接眼底显微镜检查法的临床应用北京同仁医院眼科魏文斌,傅守静,王景昭,卢向红早在1953年ElBavadi[1]就介绍了用+55D凸透镜进行眼底双目显微镜检查,后来,Rotter[2]1956年,Rosen[3]1959年亦作了描述。Lundbe... Clinical applicat
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