Identification and function analysis of spectrin-like protein in pollen tubes of lily (Lilium davidi

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenhang
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The elongation of pollen tube is an important process of sex- ual reproduction in higher plant. Cytoskeleton plays a major regulatory role in the elongation of pollen tubes. But whether membrane skeleton is involved in the pollen tube elongation is not clear. In this study, imuno- chemical detection of spectrin-like protein has been carried out in pollen tubes. By use of 2-dimensional electrophoresis(2DE) and western blotting, two spectrin-like proteins are found, one is 150 kD, and the other is 105 kD, with pI being 4.54 and 4.39, respectively. 150 kD spec- trin-like protein is located in plasma membrane of pollen tube and 105 kD spectrin-like protein is located in cytoplasm, probably functioning as a subunit to form a dimmer (210 kD) in vivo. The elongation of pollen tubes is inhibited after spectrin antibody was injected into a growing pollen tube. These results suggest that spectrin-like proteins exist in pollen tube and play an important regulating role in the elongation proc- ess of pollen tubes from lily. The elongation of pollen tube is an important process of sex-ual reproduction in higher plant. Cytoskeleton plays a major regulatory role in the elongation of pollen tubes. But whether membrane skeleton is involved in the pollen tube elongation is not clear. In this study, imuno- chemical detection of spectrin-like proteins has been carried out in pollen tubes. By use of 2-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) and western blotting, two spectrin-like proteins are found, one is 150 kD, and the other is 105 kD , with pI being 4.54 and 4.39, respectively. 150 kD spec- trin-like protein is located in plasma membrane of pollen tube and 105 kD spectrin-like protein is located in cytoplasm, probably functioning as a subunit to form a dimmer (210 kD ) in vivo. The elongation of pollen tubes is inhibited after spectrin antibody was injected into a growing pollen tube. These results suggest that spectrin-like proteins exist in pollen tube and play an important regulating role in the elongation proc- ess of pollen tubes from lily.