
来源 :建筑工人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DFHGFD43
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灰浆搅拌机是建筑工程中拌制灰浆的通用设备。该机拌筒上缘装有4、5根撑杆。端部与拌筒壁侧板结合处(图1),用内、外螺母紧固,并于筒壁内侧留有一段螺纹,供安装或拆卸内螺母退位用。实践证明,该机搅拌灰浆时,这段外露的螺纹常被飞溅的水泥砂浆粘裹,一经干硬,便难以清除。逢大修时,内螺母退位受阻,撑杆无法拆卸。 Mortar mixers are general equipment for mixing mortar in construction projects. The upper edge of the machine is equipped with 4, 5 poles. The junction of the end and the side wall of the mixing cylinder wall (Fig. 1) is fastened with the inner and outer nuts, and a section of thread is left inside the cylinder wall for installation or disassembly of the inner nut. Practice has proved that when the machine is mixing mortar, this exposed thread is often stuck by splashing cement mortar. Once it is hard, it will be difficult to remove. At the time of overhaul, the inner nut was retreated and the strut could not be disassembled.
该公司福山厂通过控制钢中含氧量解决了水口堵塞的问题。该厂认为水口堵塞的主要原因有: (1)钢中游离氧量低和[SoL·Al]量高及浇铸时再氧化产生的Al_2O_3增加;(2)在RH处理时
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炎炎夏日,一款凉爽优雅的格子裙,更衬出小公主的漂亮和出众。 Summer, a cool and elegant plaid skirt, but also set out the little princess beautiful and superior.
墙面装饰工程如水泥砂浆抹灰、现制水磨石、水刷石等,或饰面安现制水磨釉面瓷砖、陶瓷锦砖等,都习惯用1:3水泥砂浆打底,一立方米砂浆需用325号水泥380千克。 Wall decorati
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A retrofitting technology using precast steel reinforced concrete(PSRC) panels is developed to improve the seismic performance of old masonry buildings. The PSR