Research on Job burnout and Influential Factors of Public—Course teachers in Medical Colleges

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  【Abstract】In order to reveal the state and influential factors of the Publicl-course teachers’ job burnout , we took a survey by Questionnaire on college teachers’ professional identity, college teachers’Job satisfaction and College teachers’ job burnout,442 subjects participated. Results show that General course teachers’ professional identity,and job satisfaction had moderate prediction effect.on job burnout.
  【Key words】Public-course teachers; professional identity
  【作者簡介】刘潇潇(1981- ),女,甘肃平凉人,讲师,硕士,甘肃医学院大学生心理咨询中心主任,主要研究方向:学校心理健康教育。
  According to the 2016 National Education Development Statistics Bulletin issued by the Ministry of Education,the number of teachers in colleges and universities has exceeded 2.4 million,although public course is not directly related to majors,it is an indispensable course for students to get all-round development and provide methodology for further learning. Predictably,There are differences in the degree of job burnout between public teachers and professional teachers.But does the influence factor of job burnout of public-course teachers have particularity ?Whether their job satisfaction is influenced by professional identity and how to act on job burnout ? These problems deserve to be discussed.
  Objects and Method
  1. Object
  We made a a questionnaire survey of public course teachers in four medical colleges such as Gansu Medical College,Hexi college and Xi’an Medical College,Cangzhou Medical College. Providing 500 questionnaires by cluster random sampling method,465 were recovered,and the effective questionnaires were 442,the effective rate of recovery is 88%.
  2. Questionnaires
  College teacher professional identity Questionnaire Revised by Yan Yumei is adopted..Job satisfaction questionnaire was compiled by Yang Xiuwei. Maslach burnout scale was adjusted to make more localized. The A coefficient of this questionnaire is 0.90.
  Result Analysis
  1. Correlation analysis of professional identity and job burnout
  Correlation analysis showed that the correlation coefficient between professional identity and job burnout was 0.576,which reached a moderate level.The higher the level of teachers ‘ acceptance of occupation,the lower the degree of job burnout.When public- course teachers can objectively understand and understand their professional nature,responsibilities and significance,and actively invest in the current work,job burnout will be eased.   2. Correlation Analysis of Job satisfaction and Job Burnout
  The correlation coefficient between job satisfaction and job burnout was 0.511,which reached a moderate degree.In Medical colleges,the higher the degree of satisfaction of public-course teachers to college management,personal -development,interpersonal relationship,work environment,welfare pay,etc.,the more the degree of job burnout will be alleviated.
  3. Correlation Analysis of professional identity and Job Satisfaction
  The correlation coefficient between professional identity and job satisfaction is 0.503.At the same time,the higher professional identity of public teachers will improve the job satisfaction.
  4. An analysis of the intermediary effect of job satisfaction on professional identity and job burnout
  It was found by Intermediary model analysis that the professional identity of Public- course teachers not only have a direct influence on the Job burnout and Job satisfaction of the Job burnout have indirect effect,a higher level of Public- course teachers’ Professional identity。
  The following conclusions are drawn:( 1 ) There is a negative correlation between professional identity and job burnout of teachers in public courses.( 2 ) There was a negative correlation between professional identity and job satisfaction.( 3 ) There is a positive correlation between professional identity and job satisfaction of teachers in public courses.(4) the professional identity of Public-course teachers can directly predict the job burnout,and the job burnout has an indirect prediction effect on the job burnout through job satisfaction.
  [1]Zhang Xinyu.Research on Professional Development of Publicl-Course Teachers in Local Colleges and Universities[D].Zhejiang Normal University,2016.
【摘要】随着新课程改革的深入,小学英语教学要求教师研读教材,重构文本,探索新的教学办法。人对于语言知识的学习强调系统性、整体性与情境性,因此单元整体教学要求教师应从单元整体高度去备整个单元、每一个课时,使教学富于整体性和连贯性。努力为学生营造一个轻松快乐的教学情境,以帮助学生更好的学习英语。  【关键词】英语教学;单元整体;重构文本  小学英语单元整体教学是指依据现有的小学英语教材的编写方式,从整
【摘要】在实用型人才市场的拉动下,专业英语教师的师资的培养已是迫在眉睫,随着市场对专业英语教师师资需求量的不断增加,英语师资的培養模式也随着市场风向标的变化而发生质的改变。本文以西安翻译学院英语教育专业为例,基于多年在该专业从教的经历,对该校英语教育专业“5P”型师资培养新模式进行一定深度的探索,以期对该专业的发展起到推动作用。“5P”型师资培养新模式指的是:Process Teaching(重英
【摘要】随着现代教育的发展,初中英语教学越来越强调针对性,进行科学的教学提问,对于提升学生英语综合能力具有至关重要的意义。本文在分析初中英语课堂提问现状的基础上,对教学问题进行梳理,并提出相应的课堂提问改进策略,旨在提升初中英语教学的总体水平。  【关键词】初中;英语;课堂提问;教学解读  【作者简介】韦庆杰,广西岑溪市教育科学研究所。  在初中英语教学实践中,由于思路和理念上的限制,学生对于课堂
【摘要】5G商业化已经箭在弦上,随之而来的智能时代必将给英语教育带来颠覆性改变。如何提升自身信息素养,因应人工智能时代的挑战,是每位高职公共英语教师要思考的课题。本文分析了高职公共英语教师的信息素养中的薄弱环节,并提出了提升资源整合素养、数据素养和技术素养等三条发展路径。  【关键词】人工智能;高职公共英语教师;信息素养;发展路径  【作者简介】曾妍妮(1990-),女,汉族,湖南邵东人,湖南邮电
【摘要】信息技术的发展促进了自建平行语料库的建设和应用,语料库能够为应用型高校英语专业口译教学提供丰富的教学资源,对提升口译教学效果具有重要的促进作用。本文分析了应用型高校口译教学的现状,探讨了通过平行语料库在口译教学中的应用,以培养应用型英语口译人才。  【关键词】应用型高校;平行语料库;口译教学  【作者简介】张立(1982.8 -),女,汉族,湖北应城人,武昌首义学院外国语学院,副教授,硕士
【摘要】分析了农村中学英语学困生形成的主要原因,从学生自身、教师、教材、家庭、社会等五方面进行阐述;并从教师的引导、教育方法等方面着手探讨转化方法并采取适合农村英语教学的相应措施。  【关键词】初中英语;学困生;合作学习  【作者简介】郭鹏辉,甘肃省陇南市武都区马街中学。  【基金项目】陇南市2017年度课题成果,课题批准号:LN(2017)92。  素质教育要求面向全体学生,全面提高学生素质。然
【摘要】高中是学生开始转向自主学习的过渡阶段,这阶段的学习应根据阶段性的要求作出战略性的调整。本文首先阐述了“以教促学”的概念,然后分析了实施“以教促学”模式的背景,最后重点探究了“以教促学”模式在高中英语教学的应用策略。  【关键词】“以教促学”;高中英语;教学应用  【作者简介】席有梅,甘肃省武威市天祝藏族自治县第一中学。  引言  英语不同于其他学科,在学习的过程中学生需要在熟记单词、句子及
【摘要】随着社会发展,社会对于人才的需求越来越朝着具备基本英语能力的方向倾斜,所以,现阶段掌握英语对于国人尤其是学生来说是十分重要的。英语的学习归根到底是为了让学生掌握一门世界通用语言,而不只是为了考试,所以英语书面表达能力是十分重要的这不仅仅是考试内容之一,更是学习应该必备素质。本文就初中英语书面写作教学的策略与实践进行深入讨论。  【关键词】初中英语;书面写作;策略;实践  【作者简介】陈清,
【摘要】微课是以教学视音频为主要载体的简短的完整的课堂教学。微课具有时间短、内容精、易操作、易传播,适合学习者自主化学习的特点。  【关键词】微课 自主学习  “翻转课堂”、“微课程”成为时下教育圈极为流行的一个词汇,流行的词汇往往词面言简意赅而内涵丰富。曾经有幸与学校另外两位英语老师,参加了从区到市的网络团队微课比赛,站在微课外思考,钻进微课中体验,两种不同的角度,感受到的微课带来的无限教育力量
【摘要】本文从认知主义,人本主义的角度出发,基于笔者的教学经验,旨在探讨情感因素对高中生自主学习英语的影响。本文的研究结论是:情感因素对高中生自主学习英语有重大影响,因此,教师应在教学过程中应制定合理的教学策略以激发学生自主学习英语的积极性,提高学生的学习效率。  【关键词】中学生;英语自主学习;情感因素;教学策略  【Abstract】From the perspective of cognit