重庆谜联界胡寅先生,因病治疗无效,于一九九八年四月七日十二时在渝逝世,享年七十七岁。 胡寅先生字静生,晚号髯翁,重庆江北人。生前为重庆四十中学退休教师、重庆文史馆馆员、中国楹联学会会员、中国指画研究会会员、遵义中国书画印研究会研究
Mr. Hu Yin, a member of the Chongqing enigmatic community, died of illness at the age of seventy-seven at his death on April 7, 1998, at the age of seven. Mr. Hu Yin rest of the word, too late 髯 Weng, Jiangbei people in Chongqing. Before his death, he was a retired teacher of Chongqing 40 Middle School, a librarian of Chongqing Museum of History, a member of China Association of Censors, a member of China Finger Painting Research Association,