
来源 :大庆社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fugoolisk
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经济新常态下,高校科技作为服务于当地经济发展的重要形式越来越受到重视。从新常态视角入手,借鉴当代欧美国家高校科技服务当地经济发展和培养创新创业人才的成功经验和特点,结合互动创新理论,分析高校科技与当地经济在实际对接过程中大学、企业和政府中存在的问题,指出高校科技要以服务发展当地经济为主,高校科技与当地经济的合作要从资源、人才的互补式合作转为双赢的创新发展合作模式,形成激励机制,并从制度、组织和环境三方面提出新常态下高校科技与当地经济发展对接的路径。 Under the new economic normal, science and technology in colleges and universities have drawn more and more attention as an important form of service to the local economic development. Starting from the new normal perspective, this paper draws lessons from the successful experiences and characteristics of contemporary European and American universities and colleges to serve the local economy and nurture innovative and talented people. Based on the theory of interactive innovation, this paper analyzes the existing problems of universities and enterprises and the government in the actual docking of university science and technology and local economy The paper points out that science and technology in colleges and universities should mainly develop local economy by service. The cooperation between university science and technology and the local economy should be changed from complementary cooperation of resources and talents to a win-win cooperation mode of innovation and development, and an incentive mechanism should be formed. And from the aspects of system, organization and environment Three aspects put forward the new normal university science and technology and local economic development docking.
我们一直在奔跑  大部分时间我们  不去想前往何方  偶尔停顿的时候  想到最后的终点  每个人都一样  就难免会有一些沮丧  可是亲爱的  大部分人想了一会儿  就不会紧盯不放  那些苦苦思索的人  要么疯了  要么成了哲學家  “没有什么会永垂不朽”  即使不再奔跑  等待我们的还是那  简简单单的两个字  我们一直在奔跑  即使里程不能拉长  那奔走的途中  还会有无数  快乐和风光  有时
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骆旭放,1985年毕业于南京师范大学美术系,现为江苏省盐城市书画院专业画家,国家高级美术师,江苏省美协会员,盐城市美协副主席,几十件国画作品入选省和国家级大展并获奖。 Lu
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想兜一室春意入怀吗?自己动手做个素雅的纸花瓶吧。材料随处可见,做好后,随意放几支野花,立刻会有春天的味道驻留在你的周围。    材料:厚纸板、双面胶、透明胶带、包装纸、厚0.8cm的瓦楞纸板。  直径约0.8cm的粗绳子(手提袋的绳子亦可)
符永昌自撰:我,喜欢摄影。在小学五年级的时候,我参加了学校开设的摄影小组。从那个时候起我与摄影结下了不解之缘。 Fu Yongchang autobiography: I, like photography. In
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