Isentropic Analysis of Regional Cold Events over Northern China

来源 :大气科学进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ksxxccna
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From the perspective of cold air mass (CAM) analysis, we examine the characteristics and mechanisms of regional cold events (RCEs) over northwest and northeast China in the past 58 years (1958/59?2015/16). The RCEs in northwest (northeast) China are shown to have an average duration of 6.8 (4.7) days with a moderate (sharp) temperature drop. We quantitatively estimate the RCE-related CAM, for the first time, using an isentropic analysis method. Before an RCE in northwest China, CAM is accumulated in west Siberia with convergent CAM flux under a blocking patt in the Urals region. During RCE outbreak, CAM penetrates the valleys of the Tianshan?Altay Mountains to the Tarim Basin and Hexi Corridor. The CAM moves slowly because of the blocking patt and orographic effect, which explains the relatively long duration of RCEs. Comparatively, during RCEs in northeast China, the CAM depth anomaly originates more to the east and quickly passes the Mongolian Plateau guided by an eastward-moving trough. Diagnostic analyses further show that adiabatic processes play a crucial role in regulating the local change of CAM depth during the two kinds of RCEs. The advection term of adiabatic processes mainly increases the CAM depth during RCE outbreak, while the convergence term increases (reduces) CAM depth before (after) RCE outbreak. Both terms are relatively strong during RCEs in northeast China, resulting in the rate of change in CAM depth being ~50% larger than for those in northwest China. Therefore, the variations of RCEs in duration and intensity can be well explained by the different evolution of CAM depth and flux.
研究背景与目的:   慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)是西方最常见的成人白血病,发病率大约占所有白血病的30%,在亚洲国家发病率较低,约占所有白血病的5%,近年来CLL在我国发病率有增加的
目的:探讨3D-pCASL(三维假连续式动脉自旋标记,3D-pulsed continuous ASL)技术评价烟雾病患者脑血流动力学的价值及相关影响因素。方法:收集2014年9月-2016年2月在南昌大学第
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