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随着新世纪的来到,全国各个区域都不约而同地掀起了新一轮创业潮,纷纷出台一批新的政策、措施,积极争夺技术、争夺投资、争夺市场、争夺人才,希望能在新的经济发展竞争中脱颖而出。虽然新经济在中国只是初显端倪,却足以使国内各个城市、各个区域都重新回到一个新的起跑线上,开始新一轮决定在21世纪经济发展命运的竞争。如果说部分开发区能够抓住改革开放初期的历史机遇成就了一番辉煌的业绩,那么在新经济时代的作为,将对开发区能否再上新台阶有决定性的影响。首先,发展新经济是国际经济发展的大势所趋,是中国经济不可错过的重大历史机遇,也是我们不能回避的现实课 With the advent of the new century, all regions of the country spontaneously set off a new wave of entrepreneurship and introduced a series of new policies and measures to actively compete for technology, compete for investment, compete for the market and compete for talent, hoping to find new ways in the new Outstanding competition in economic development. Although the new economy is only beginning to show signs in China, it is enough for all cities and regions in the country to return to a new starting line and begin a new round of competition that determines the economic development in the 21st century. If some development zones can grasp the historic opportunity in the early stage of reform and opening up and make brilliant achievements, then their actions in the new economic era will have a decisive influence on whether the development zones can reach a new stage. First of all, developing the new economy is the general trend of development in the international economy, a major historical opportunity not to be missed by the Chinese economy, and an actual lesson that we can not avoid
最近,美国马里兰州 KOPPERS 公司设计生产了一种合成橡胶联轴器。这种联轴器的结构非常简单:两端是两个铝合金材料制成的端面带有梯形凹槽的半联轴器,由一个上面拧有螺栓,两
黄石市和二汽厂科委于1984年5月13~15日在黄石市召开了微处理机控制的ZDC—0.5悬挂小车贮运系统样机鉴定会。该样机是由二汽工厂设计处设计、黄石市起重机械厂和黄石 Huangs
一、今年7月25日至8月25日,我校将举办“机械原理青年教师教学讨论班”,内容包括: (1) 结合我校机械原理及机械零件教研室新编的《机械原理》教材,由编者讲授各章内容的重点