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仪征市区西北郊耸立着大、小铜山,是苏中地域内海拔最高、植被最好、矿藏最丰富的山头。大、小铜山并立,中间隔一条溪向下延伸成河,因伍子胥从此过江而名为胥浦河。两山脚下塘坝水库星罗棋布,山连着水,水依着山。古时,山上树木参天,稀禽遍布,山花争艳,蜂飞蝶舞,与瀑布、铸钱遗址、仙人洞、太师椅等众多景点相互辉映。山顶地势平坦,有一天池,大旱不干,水清见底,被当地农民视为神水。天池旁有座名为准提寺的大寺院,香火旺盛,每逢正月十五庙会,玩龙灯、荡旱船、挑花担,锣鼓喧天,人山人海上铜山,敬香拜佛,远远聆听,鼓声、罄声、诵经声,声声入耳,悠扬动听,山顶烟雾缭绕,徐徐升腾,似天府盛典,庄严而热闹。可是,铜山历尽沧桑,几经战乱,尤其是清末的土匪占山为王,后来的日寇蹂躏,准提寺毁了建,建了毁, Yizheng urban northwestern suburbs stands large and small Tongshan, is the highest elevation in the Soviet Union region, the best vegetation, the most abundant mineral resources of the mountain. Large and small Tongshan stand side by side, a stream extends down the river, because Wu Zixu crossed the river and named Xu Pu River. At the foot of the two hills dotted with dam reservoir, the mountains linked to water, water by the mountain. In ancient times, the mountains towering trees, sparse poultry throughout, mountain flowers Zhengyan, bees flying splendor, and waterfalls, cast money ruins, Fairy Cave, armchair and many other attractions reflect each other. Peak terrain flat, one day the pool, dry drought, clear bottom, regarded by local farmers Shen Shui. Tianchi next to a large temple named quasi-mention temple, strong incense, every lunar January 15 temple festivals, playing dragon light, swing boat, pick flowers bear, percussion, people mountain sea copper mountain, to worship the Buddha, far to listen to drums , Out of sound, chanting sound, voice ear, melodious, peak smoke-filled, slowly rising, like Tianfu Festival, solemn and lively. However, after going through the vicissitudes of Tongshan, after several war chaos, especially in the late Qing Dynasty bandits accounted for the mountains as the king, and later the Japanese invaded devastated quasi mention Temple ruined the building, built destroyed,
这次看电视剧的经历告诉我,做父母的真的应该以身作则,如果连自己都没有节制能力,孩子即使素质再好也无济于事。 The experience of watching the TV series told me that p