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我国古人将“和谐”作为处理人类与自然、人与人或人与社会、人的身体与人的精神等关系的理想范式,从而使之成为中国文化思想的普遍原理。中国所获得的国际地位要求中国有一种能够“平天下”的智慧,能够以一种更具有全球化意义的传统和理念来影响世界。而这都需要我们对中国传统文化重新认识和解读,并在此基础上进行创造性的转化与扬弃。上海世博会的举办,将为中华文化与世界多元文化的交融提供平台,从而为中华文化吸引力的提升提供沃土。通过建筑、音乐、戏曲、舞蹈等人类共同的语言,中华文明的精髓将在与世界各种文明相互交流、碰撞甚至摩擦中得以延绵,中华文化的内涵将得以丰富,中华文化的实体将得以发展。 Our ancients used “harmony ” as the ideal paradigm for the relationship between mankind and nature, man and man or man and society, man’s body and human spirits, and made it the universal principle of Chinese cultural thought. China’s international status requires that China have the wisdom to “influence the world” and to influence the world in a more globalized tradition and philosophy. All this requires us to re-understand and interpret the traditional Chinese culture, and on this basis, carry out creative transformation and sublation. The hosting of the Shanghai World Expo will provide a platform for the fusion of Chinese culture and the world’s multiculturalism, thus providing fertile ground for the enhancement of the attractiveness of Chinese culture. Through the common language of mankind, such as architecture, music, opera and dance, the essence of Chinese civilization will be extended through interaction, collision and even friction with various civilizations in the world. The connotation of Chinese culture will be enriched and the entity of Chinese culture will be developed .
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如果没有干旱的试探,也许种子就不会懂得甘霖的苦心:如果没有求学的孤独,也许孩子就永远感知不到慈母的深爱:如果……——题记 If there is no drought temptation, perhaps
人的一生是快乐的,每个人的生命里总会出现许多如花的笑靥。那是鼓励的微笑,是坚强的微笑,是青春的微笑,是发自内心的微笑。 People’s lives are happy, and everyone’s l