Kinetic Model of Hypophosphite Oxidation on a Nickel Electrode in D_2O Solution

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanyongchao
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Kinetic model of hypophosphite oxidation on a nickel electrode was studied in D_2O solution in order to reach a better understanding of the oxidation mechanism. In the model the electrooxidation of hypophosphite undergo a H abstraction of hypophosphite from the P-H bond to form the phosphorus-centered radical ·PHO_2~(-), which subsequently is electrochemically reacted with water to form the final product, phosphite. The kinetic equations were derived, and the kinetic parameters were obtained from a comparison of experimental results and the kinetic equations. The process of hypophosphite electrooxidation could be well simulated by this model. Kinetic model of hypophosphite oxidation on a nickel electrode was studied in D_2O solution in order to reach a better understanding of the oxidation mechanism. In the model the electrooxidation of hypophosphite undergo a H abstraction of hypophosphite from the PH bond to form the phosphorus-centered radical · PHO_2 ~ (-), which subsequently is electrochemically reacted with water to form the final product, phosphite. The kinetic equations were derived, and the kinetic parameters were obtained from a comparison of experimental results and the kinetic equations. The process of hypophosphite electrooxidation could be well simulated by this model.
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