
来源 :老同志之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengfeiyuren
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我有制作小标本的爱好。什么五颜六色的树叶啊,小昆虫如小蝴蝶、小蜻蜓之类的,都喜欢夹在书中做成一件工艺品,闲暇之时翻看一番,也是很有趣的事。这个爱好,源自一只北大荒的蚊子,它是我的战利品,是我收藏的第一个标本。那是四十多年前在黑龙江支边的日子,我与蚊子有过一场遭遇战,战场就在从一营营部到团部的公路上。那可不是我们南方三五一群的蚊子,而足足是一个蚊子军团。北大荒的水资源十分丰富,一望无边的草甸子,就成了小咬(南方人叫蚊蚁头)和蚊子的乐园。(北大荒的“三大宝”是人 I have a hobby of making small specimens. What colorful leaves ah, small insects such as small butterflies, small dragonflies and the like, like clip made in the book made of a handicrafts, leisure time look at it is also very interesting. This hobby comes from a northern Great Wilderness mosquito, it is my trophies, is my collection of the first specimen. It was more than 40 years ago in Heilongjiang Province, I had a war with mosquitoes, the battlefield is from the headquarters to the regiment on the road. That is not a group of mosquitoes in our southern group, but a mosquito army. The Great Northern Wilderness is very rich in water resources, a boundless meadow child, it became a small bite (southerner called mosquito ants) and mosquito paradise. (North Wilderness “Three Treasure ” is human
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