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中国语言文化在全球化的上升地位与中国语言文化在国内面临的尴尬现状、国民语言文化素养严重滑坡的现实,使我们不得不站在科学发展观的哲学高度,重新审视语文教育:语文教育不仅属于学校,而且属于全社会。为此,我们呼唤实施“社会化语文教育”。一、从历史角度看语文教育的社会化特征 1.先行性。语文教育历来就是中华民族生存的命脉。语文教育同伦理道德教育、音乐教育一起,是中国教育的发端。这可以追溯到夏以 The fact that the rising status of Chinese language and culture in globalization and the current state of Chinese language and culture in the country and the serious decline in the national language and cultural literacy have forced us to stand at the philosophical level of the scientific concept of development to reexamine Chinese language education: It belongs to the school and belongs to the whole society. To this end, we call for the implementation of “socialized Chinese education.” First, from a historical point of view, the socialization of language education characteristics 1. Antecedent. Chinese language education has always been the lifeblood for the survival of the Chinese nation. Chinese education, along with ethical education and music education, is the origin of Chinese education. This can be traced back to Xiayi
“将军过桥”为扬州传统名菜.这只菜是用重750克左右的黑鱼制成:鱼肉做成炒鱼片, “Generals across the bridge” for Yangzhou traditional dishes.This dish is made of
蛋黄糕200克,红萝卜100克,蛋白糕150克,酱牛肉150克,黄瓜5根,樱桃5粒,蟹肉200克,青椒3个,琼脂200克,火腿50克,牡丹花3朵,菜汁少许. 100 grams of carrot, 150 grams of cak
本文译自1983年1月16日的泰国《沙炎叻周评》第30期。拔肯还是第一次这样没精打采,不管走到哪里,总象一只瘟鸡一样, This article translated from January 16, 1983 in Tha
△应该写了又写。这是磨炼风格文体的唯一方法。△写作而不加以修改,这种想法应该永远抛弃。三遍,四遍——那还是不够的。 △ should write and write. This is the only w
凭我的感觉,似乎北方人比南方人更喜食皮蛋.他们将皮蛋切成块,拼上萝卜丝或海蜇皮作为冷盘上桌.其实,皮蛋除冷食外,还可烧汤. In my opinion, it seems that the northerne