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黄瓜,碧绿淡雅,青翠欲滴,使入赏心悦目;其味甘凉清脆,人人爱吃。在夏天,劳动之后,旅途之中,口渴之时,吃一根黄瓜,会使您顿觉舒适,暑气全消。饮酒时,来上一盘凉拌黄瓜,不但爽口,也是下酒好菜。黄瓜,原名胡瓜,原产于印度热带潮湿的森林地区,在我国安家落户已有两千多年的历史。据传说,秦始皇的时候,骊山已经利用温泉在冬季栽培黄瓜。另据古籍记载,又有不同说法。陈藏器说:“北人避石勒讳,改呼黄瓜;”李时诊认为:“张骞使西域得种,故名胡瓜。”按《杜宝拾遗录》云:“隋大业四年避讳,改胡瓜为黄瓜。”一般认为,黄瓜在汉代时传入,将胡瓜改称黄瓜是在隋朝,此名一直沿用至今。有的地方也叫它王瓜。黄瓜在我国分布很广,全国各地均有栽培,是群众喜食的一种蔬菜。除生食、炒食外,还可腌制。黄瓜大致可分为三类:春黄瓜、架黄瓜、秋黄瓜,有十几个品种;一般常食的有叶三黄瓜、八叉黄瓜、宁阳刺瓜、早黄瓜等。现在由于可用温室和塑料大棚栽培,一年四 Cucumber, green and elegant, green dripping, so pleasing to the eye; its sweet Gan Liang crisp, everyone loves to eat. In the summer, after working, during the journey, and when you are thirsty, eating a cucumber will make you feel comfortable and cool. When drinking, come to a plate of salad cucumber, not only refreshing, but also a good wine. Cucumber, formerly known as courgette, originated in tropical and humid forests in India, has settled in China for more than 2,000 years. According to legend, at the time of Emperor Qin Shihuang, Lushan had used hot springs to cultivate cucumbers in winter. According to ancient records, there are different opinions. The Tibetan said: “The Beiren evaded the stone leap and changed the call to cucumber.” When Li Shichao thinks: “Zhang Miao made the Western Regions have species, hence the name of the squash.” “According to the ”Dubao Collection“ cloud: ” In the four years of the great cause, they avoided the vine and changed the cucumber to cucumber." It is generally believed that when cucumbers were introduced in the Han dynasty, they would be renamed cucumbers in the Sui Dynasty. This name has been used since. Some places also call it a king melon. Cucumbers are widely distributed in our country and are cultivated all over the country. They are a kind of vegetable that the people like to eat. In addition to raw food, fried food, but also marinated. Cucumber can be roughly divided into three categories: spring cucumber, cucumber stand, autumn cucumber, there are more than a dozen varieties; generally eat the leaves of three cucumbers, eight-fork cucumber, Ningyang spiny gourd, early cucumber and so on. Nowadays due to the availability of greenhouses and plastic greenhouses, one year four
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