
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuliaoaiaia
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素质教育要求教师把学生从传统的被动的受教育地位转变到主动的求知地位上来,在教学活动中,做到“教学做”合一,教师不仅要向学生传授知识,更要引导学生养成自觉地寻求知识,获取知识的能力,所以我们要注重充分发挥学生的主体性,这也是当今语文教学中提的最多、最响的一个问题。那么如何将其落到实处,取得实效呢?一、建立新型的师生关系即以构建一种平等、民主和谐、宽松的新型师生关系为基础。传统的师道尊严,教师的封建家长式的权威意识,导致了大部分学生绝对的服从心理、惰性心理、因循守旧的保守心理等。究其根源,在于我们教师观念的落后,跟不上时代的潮流。如今的学生接受能力强,接受信 Quality education requires that teachers change their students from the traditional passive status of education to the active status of seeking knowledge. In teaching activities, teachers should make “teaching to do ” unity, teachers not only to impart knowledge to students, but also to guide students Therefore, we should focus on giving full play to the students’ subjectivity, which is also the most frequent question and the loudest one in today’s Chinese teaching. So how to put it into practice and achieve tangible results? First, establishing a new type of teacher-student relationship is based on building a new type of teacher-student relationship that is equal, democratic, harmonious and relaxed. The traditional dignity of teachers and teachers, the feudal patriarchal authority of consciousness, led to the absolute obedience of most students, inerting, conservative conservative psychology. The root cause lies in the backwardness of our teachers’ concepts and the inability to keep up with the trend of the times. Today’s students are receptive to the letter
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1.几种气环的结构特点 (1)平环断面为矩形,也称矩形环。这种环结构简单,制造容易,目前应用较多。但平环磨损后易发生“泵油”作用:活塞下行时,在气缸壁磨擦阻力作用下,气环
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Foreword Respecting and protecting human rights is a constitutional principle in China.It also reflects the will and pursuit of the Communist Party of China(CPC