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当前,电力体制的改革,会不会把已经形成的多家办电格局向独家办电的格局轮回呢?这一焦点问题,取决于投资主体是否多元化,取决于电力市场是否真正的放开,这种放开,不应是权利经济的产物。电力体制的改革,无论是国家队,地方队或游离于两者之外混合队,都应该是按照市场经济的规则,为大家提供一个公证、公平的竞争平台,这样才能使电力体制的改革得到健康的发展下去,经济和社会发展才能从电力改革中得到实效。令人关注的是,随着国家电力体制改革的逐步到位,新组建的两大电网公司和五大发电公司,应运而生,扩张热情空前高涨,竞争硝烟遍布全国,大有重分天下之势头。面对这场国字号五大发电集团带来的竞争风暴,各地方电力公司压力重重,原有电力市场,在市场经济尚未完善的体制导控下,将重新细分。地方电力板块又面临着新一轮的挑战,面对这种非市场因素形成的优胜劣汰状况,这轮挑战引起了社会的广泛关注。贵州作为西电东送的主力军,在电力体制改革过程中,同样面临着“国家队”与“地方队”的竞争局面,如何应对,值得认真思考。 At present, will the reform of the electric power system reinvent the pattern of a number of already-established power companies to the exclusive power supply? This focus depends on whether the investment subject is diversified and depends on whether the electricity market is truly open. This release should not be the product of a rights economy. The reform of the power system, whether it is the national team, the local team or the mixed team outside the two, should be based on the rules of the market economy and provide everyone with a notary and fair competition platform so that the reform of the power system can be achieved. With the continued development of health, economic and social development can be effective from the power reform. What is of concern is that with the gradual implementation of the national power system reform, the newly established two major power grid companies and the five largest power generation companies have emerged. The expansion of enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high, and the competition for smog has spread all over the country. In the face of the storm of competition brought about by this state-owned giant power group, the local power companies are under heavy pressure. The original power market will be subdivided under the guidance of the system that has not yet been perfected in the market economy. The local power sector is facing a new round of challenges. In the face of this non-market factor, the challenge has caused widespread concern in society. As the main force of West-to-East power transmission, Guizhou is also facing the competition between the “national team” and the “local team” in the process of power system reform. How to deal with it is worthy of serious consideration.
当枫叶晕红的离开树枝,候鸟去往另一个温暖的地方。不能迁徒的我们,怎样 让家成为一个漫漫长冬可以依靠的居所。国际著名家具品牌美克美家献礼金色季节, 六家连锁专营店呈万
中核总公司李玉仑副总经理在召开的核电软件工作会议上说,我国秦山、大亚湾核电工程建设很成功。 At the Nuclear Power Software Work Conference held by the Deputy Gen
目前,保健品市场竞争激烈,但市场上保健品鱼龙混杂,消费者无所适从。国务院有关部委希望通过举办中国国际保健节使保健品优胜劣汰,在生产、销售等环节上逐步走向规范化。 国
一  在我成长的年代,我一直因为我的家庭而感到自卑,因为我的父母一直是我们大院人茶余饭后的消遣。  先说说我的父亲,本来他是可以有很好前途的,但却因为女人给葬送了。  我父亲是个南下老干部,曾在公安局一科当科长。一科是公安局重要的科室,主要负责侦破政治大案要案。我父亲作为一科的科长,曾经是那么威风凛凛、不可一世的。  五十年代中期,我父亲接手一个案子。他们刚破获了一起从台湾潜回到大陆的敌特案,并在