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房前屋后零星散生沙田柚树,数量不少,但由于管理粗放,树龄老化产量很低。为提高散生沙田柚产量,在管理中要抓好三个环节:1、改良土壤环境条件。相当部分生长于山丘坡地,房前屋后的散生沙田柚,多存在土壤严重板结、水土流失严重、树根外露等问题,应进行一次比较大的深翻扩宽,修筑反坡鱼鳞坑,深翻齐树冠外沿,小柚树不小于4平方米,为以树干定水平线挖上坡填下坡,垒筑成下坡比上坡高出20~25厘米反坡鱼鳞坡。从根本上控制水土流失。蓄水保墒取走土坡的土块,要继续深翻挖土,从外向内深度由30厘米递减到10厘米,主干裸露的必须培土覆盖厚度5~10厘米。2、加强水肥管理。经调查发现,散生沙田柚大多从未追肥灌水,让其自然生长,往往出现早期花开满枝头结果累累、中期落果严重,秋后收果寥寥无几的现象。因此必须加强对水肥管理,在采果后进行一次冬灌,沿树冠控环形深沟20厘米,下农家肥20~30担或土杂肥30~40担,施有机肥可增加柚果的甜度。还要追好“四■ House front sporadic casual Shatian pomelo tree, a large number, but because of extensive management, the age of the tree is very low yield. In order to improve the yield of sapindou scattered in the field, we must do a good job in the management of three aspects: 1, to improve soil environmental conditions. A considerable part of the growth in hill slopes, scattered around the front of the room Shatin pomelo, there are many serious soil compaction, serious soil erosion, root problems such as exposure, should be carried out a relatively large deep-tipping widening, , Deep turn the crown outside, small pomelo not less than 4 square meters, in order to set the level of the trunk to dig up the slope to fill the slope, the slope is built uphill downhill slope 20-25 cm slope slope. Control soil and water loss fundamentally. Soil moisture to remove the clods of soil slopes, to continue digging deep excavation, from the depth of 30 cm down to 10 cm, the main exposed soil must cover the soil thickness of 5 to 10 cm. 2, to strengthen water and fertilizer management. The survey found that most of the casual scattered Shatian pomelo topdressing irrigation, let its natural growth, often appear early full of branches with numerous flowers, medium-term fruit drop serious few results after the fall of the phenomenon. Therefore, we must strengthen the management of water and fertilizer, fruit picking after a winter irrigation, along the crown control ring deep groove 20 cm, 20 ~ 30 under the peasant manure or Tuza 30 ~ 40 Tam, organic fertilizer can increase the sweetness of pomelo . Still chasing "four ■
楼市观点:房地产项目的位置决定其价值。北京 CBD 是全球商业精英、财富的聚集点,意味着经济发展的潮流在此激荡。而西大望路,作为 CBD 的东部边界,既与 CBD 相连,又不在 CB
目的 研究海战开放性脑损伤后使用右美托咪啶是否具有抗炎脑保护作用.方法选择新西兰兔12只,随机分为右美托咪啶组(Dex组)和生理盐水对照组(Con组),每组各6只.在地西泮麻醉下
对2017—2019级42名北京医院全科医学住院医师规范化培训(规培)学员妇科子宫肌瘤内容, 分别采用微信平台辅助的翻转课堂教学模式(21名,实验组)和基于多媒体辅助临床病例分析(传统)教