1988年5月29日夜,北京中国美术馆附近“轰”的一声巨响,六秒钟内,我国50年代干大建筑之一的华侨大厦变成了一堆瓦砾。此时,新的投资者正踌躇满志地规划着未来的大厦;而老一代管理者和许多建筑学家却流下了热泪。如今,所有关于华侨大厦是拆是改的争论都成了历史。新华侨大厦已经开业,再讨论这些问题似乎毫无意义,但温故可知新,历史可为鉴。 1988年正是我国旅游业的起飞时期,当时饭店数量比较少,相对制约
On the night of May 29, 1988, there was a loud bang near the Chinese National Art Museum in Beijing. In six seconds, the overseas Chinese mansion, one of the major dry-building buildings in the 1950s, became a pile of rubble. At this point, new investors are planning their future buildings with pride, while older generations of managers and many of the architects are shedding tears. Now all the controversy over the demolition of the overseas Chinese buildings has become history. It is pointless to discuss these issues again after the opening of the new overseas Chinese building. 1988 is the take-off period of China’s tourism industry, when the number of restaurants is relatively small, the relative constraints