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2017年6月上旬,一场瞄准实战的援潜救生演练在黄海某域火热上演。北海舰队某海上防险救生支队长岛船搭载深潜救生艇对多艘不同型号潜艇成功进行实艇对接救援,创下一次对接转移救援艇员和连续救援潜艇数量的新纪录。该支队组建以来,始终瞄准加紧构建“大深度、中远海、多样化”的防险救生体系,加快提升全海域多平台一体 In early June 2017, a real-life aid and rescue operation was staged in a hot area of ​​the Yellow Sea. A marine lifeguard detachment of the North Sea Fleet Long Island boat carrying a submarine lifeboat successful docking of different types of submarines on board real rescue, setting a docking transfer of rescue crew and the number of consecutive rescue submarines a new record. Since its formation, the detachment has always been targeting at stepping up the construction of a “life insurance system of great depth, COSCO sea and diversification” and accelerating the promotion of multi-platform integration in the entire sea area
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因剧情需要,在驿城楼大兴土木,制作仿古城楼,当地人为此竟然深感自豪、津津乐道,心中不免有些酸楚。历经数百年风雨沧桑的古驿城啊,你在急功近利者无数次“强行整容”后,不知还能否古貌依然?——行者悟语  上世纪90年代直至2009年,我曾居住在北京海淀区学院路。顾名思义,这是多层面知识风起云涌的地方。我所住的展春园小区恰恰又南临北京城市学院、北倚中国地质大学,西眺中关村科技园,东靠北京奥运大厦。然而,这
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