实施“先锋”工程 促进企业效益

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上海港新华港务公司有职工三千余人,其中共产党员四百多名。同许多国营大中型企业一样,在企业两个文明建设中一直发挥着骨干作用的是广大共产党员,他们是企业的中坚力量。在改革逐渐深化,计划经济朝社会主义市场经济体制转化过程中,如何发挥党员的模范作用,促进企业经济效益的增长,这也是企业自身发展所面临的现实问题。 为此,我们作了积极地探索。1994年初,公司党委认真制定了党员“先锋工程”。它的主要内涵是指在用建设有中国特色社会主义理论教育、武装党员的前提下,以提高党员技术业务为主要目标,积极引导党员立足本职、岗位成才、岗位奉献,并通过党组织的政治核心作用和组织保证作用,建立相应的激励机制,为广大党员在技术业务、经营管理上一个台阶搭建舞台,创造条件。 “先锋工程”计划实施两至三年,而一年的努力已初见成效,取得了阶段性的成果,主要表现在以下四个方面: 一是党内学习业务,钻研技术的氛围初步形成,而且日趋浓厚。据统计,一年来公司有120名党员分别在技术等级、学历、职称等方面上了一个台阶,占到党员总数26.5%,数量之多为历年之最。 Shanghai Port Xinhua Port Company has more than 3,000 employees, of which more than 400 Communist Party members. Like many state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, the majority of Communists have played a key role in the construction of two civilizations in enterprises. They are the backbone of enterprises. In the gradual deepening of the reform and the transformation of planned economy into the socialist market economic system, how to give full play to the role of party members in promoting the economic growth of enterprises is also a realistic problem faced by the enterprises themselves. To this end, we made a positive exploration. In early 1994, the party committee of the company conscientiously formulated the “Pioneer Project” for Party members. Its main connotation is that under the precondition of building theoretical education of socialism with Chinese characteristics and armed party members, with the main objective of enhancing the technical and business operations of party members, we should actively guide the party members to base themselves on their jobs, their jobs and their dedication, and through the political organization of the party organizations Core role and guarantee role of the organization to establish the appropriate incentive mechanism for the majority of party members in the technical business, management and management to build a stage, create the conditions. The Pioneer Project has been implemented for two to three years. One year of hard work has achieved initial success and has achieved staged results. The Pioneer Project is mainly manifested in the following four aspects: First, the study atmosphere of the party learning business and research technology are initially formed; And increasingly thick. According to statistics, in the past year alone, 120 members of the company have stepped up their ranks in terms of technical rank, academic record and professional title respectively, accounting for 26.5% of the total number of party members, with the largest number ever.
据了解,2月份青山湖的别墅市场并没有多大的变动,全月成交19套。这个成绩出现在春节前后并不算差。因政策而发生变动的预测,在2月并没有显现。 It is understood that the v