建环保工程 筑绿色奥运——记北京城建七公司国奥村青年突击队长李伟刚

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漫步国奥村,“节能环保”处处可见,如LED建筑发光系统、蓄光自发光导向标识系统、光导管光照明系统、风光互补太阳能路灯系统、景观生态绿化及渗透型地面系统、屋顶绿植系统、绿色建材应用及室内空气质量控制、再生材料使用系统、生活垃圾生物处理系统等等。国奥村集成应用了可再生能源、中水回用、雨洪利用、绿色建材、建筑节能、室内环境、生态景观、智能家居、数字电视、绿色照明、无障碍设施等绿色建筑的高新技术,追求人文、建筑、环境的和谐统一,达到绿色居住区的国际先进水平。国奥村不仅向世界展示有特色、高水平的北京奥运工程建设成果,也为北京建设宜居城市树立了“绿色住宅”的典范。 Stroll through the Olympic Village, “green energy ” everywhere, such as LED building lighting system, storage light from the light-oriented labeling system, light pipe light lighting system, wind and solar street light system, landscape ecological and infiltration of ground systems, Systems, green building materials applications and indoor air quality control, systems for the use of recycled materials, biological waste treatment systems for domestic waste, and more. The Olympic Village integrates the application of renewable energy, water reuse, rainwater utilization, green building materials, building energy efficiency, indoor environment, ecological landscape, smart home, digital television, green lighting, barrier-free facilities and other green building high-tech pursuit Humanities, architecture, environment, harmony and unity, to reach the green residential area of ​​the international advanced level. The Olympic Village not only showed its distinctive and high-level achievements in the construction of the Beijing Olympic Games to the world, but also set an example of “Green Housing ” for the construction of a livable city in Beijing.
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随着抗生素的广泛应用 ,新生儿感染病原菌的种类和耐药性不断地发生变化。为了指导临床用药 ,笔者对近年新生儿感染性疾病患儿的血培养和药物敏感性试验 (简称药敏试验 )结果
周志太,男,汉族,中共党员,1956年生,山东昌邑人。吉林大学理论经济学硕士。曾任白城师专政治系主任、安徽财经大学教授。现为淮北煤炭师范学院经管学院教授、硕士生导师。 Z
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