加大查处力度 强化纪检监察震慑力——环县提高党员干部遵纪守法自觉性的几点做法

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目前,一些党员干部通过违纪获取的利益,远远高于需要付出的政治、经济代价。这种违纪低成本问题,像瘟疫一样诱发一些人的违纪违法行为,也使部分党员干部对遵纪守法引不起高度重视。针对这一问题,环县县委加强了党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争,几年来共查实量纪各种类型的违纪案件67件,处理党员干部124人(其中科级干部50人)。在严厉惩处过程中,重视对全县党员干部遵纪守法、增强法制观念、纠正各种错误思想和行为的教育,提高了广大党员干部遵纪守法的自觉性。其主要做法是:一、加强思想政治教育,从根本上提高党员干部素质,努力创造遵纪守法的良好氛围。环县近年来的一些党员干部先后蜕变成违纪违法分子,最根本的原因是他们丢掉了党的根本宗旨,丧失了党性原则。因此,全县各级党政组织通过加强思想政治和党风廉政教育,使党员干部坚定共产主义信念,坚定正 At present, the benefits obtained by some Party members and cadres through discipline violations are much higher than the political and economic costs that need to be paid. This problem of discipline and low cost, like the plague, caused some people to break the law and discipline violations, but also caused some party members and cadres to devote great attention to abide by the law and discipline. In response to this issue, Huanxian County Party Committee strengthened the party’s work style and clean government and the fight against corruption. Over the past few years, 67 cases of disciplinary cases of various types have been verified and 124 party cadres (including 50 officers at the department level) have been dealt with. In the process of severe punishment, emphasis has been placed on educating party members and cadres in the whole county to abide by the law and discipline, enhancing the concept of the legal system and correcting misconstrued ideas and behaviors, so as to raise the awareness of party members and cadres in their compliance with laws and regulations. The main approach is: First, strengthen ideological and political education, fundamentally improve the quality of party members and cadres, and strive to create a good atmosphere for law-abiding. In recent years, some Party members and cadres in Huanxian County have morphed into disciplines and lawbreakers successively. The most fundamental reason is that they have lost the fundamental purpose of the party and have lost the principle of party spirit. Therefore, the party and government organizations at all levels in the entire county have strengthened their belief in communism by strengthening ideological and political work,
2010年全国证券期货监管工作会议将“适时推出证券公司融资融券业务试点”列于2010年证监会重点工作之首。此次会议同时敲定,2010年“保障股指期货平稳顺利上市交易”。 201