
来源 :河南公安高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renminjie
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以新乡电视台工作方法为例 ,提出了公安题材电视纪录片的选题与制作应注意的问题 ,即要选准视点 ,发掘真实 ,穷尽才思 ,从平凡岗位上发现和捕捉闪光点。从《走近徐步礼》到《巡警郭呈安》 ,新乡电视台从选准视点、扑下身子、穷尽才思三方面入手 ,走出了一条从平凡岗位上发现和捕捉新闻闪光点 ,用电视反映新时期人民警察新风貌的路子。 Taking the work method of Xinxiang TV station as an example, this paper puts forward the selection of public security subject TV documentaries and the issues to be noticed. That is to say, we should select the quasi point of view, discover the true, exhaustive thinking, find and capture the flash point from the ordinary post. From approaching Xu Buli to patrolling Guo Chengan, Xinxiang Television started with selecting prospective points of view, putting himself out of body and doing all it can to get out of the spotlight of discovering and capturing news from ordinary posts and using television to reflect the People’s Police in the new era New style of the road.
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南非医科大学MRC/MEDUNSA腹泻病原体研究所的Steele AD及其同事在《医学病毒学杂志》上发表文章称,尼日利亚1998-1999年间婴幼儿轮状病毒感染血清型以VP7 G9为主。 Steele
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A recent meeting of the Min-istry of Science and Tech-nology (MOST) announcedthe launch of a project for studiesof carbon cycle and its drivingmechanism in Chin
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由于机构调整及分工变化,经国务院同意,近日对注册会计师培训工作领导小组(部际协调机构)组成人员进行了相应调整,调整后的人员为: As a result of institutional adjustme