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对新型消毒剂碘附Ⅰ号进行了急性毒性(包括经口 LD_(50)、经皮 LD_(50)和粘膜及皮肤的刺激试验)和致敏作用的研究。结果表明:大、小鼠 LD_(50)说明该碘附Ⅰ号属于低毒物质,豚鼠经皮 LD_(50)未能测出。粘膜刺激试验:碘附Ⅰ号原液对眼粘膜有强刺激作用;50%碘附Ⅰ号液有中等刺激作用;25%、5%、2%及1%的碘附Ⅰ号液无任何刺激作用。家兔皮肤刺激试验显示无皮肤刺激作用。豚鼠皮肤致敏试验结果无致敏作用。因此,我们认为碘附Ⅰ号液是一种有前途的皮肤及医疗器械消毒剂。 Acute toxicity (including oral LD_ (50), transdermal LD_ (50) and mucous membrane and skin irritation test) and sensitization effect of the new disinfectant Iodine Ⅰ were studied. The results showed that LD_ (50) of large and small mice showed that the iodine attached Ⅰ was a low toxic substance, and the guinea pig percutaneous LD_ (50) could not be detected. Mucosal irritation test: Iodine on the 1st lotion has a strong irritant effect on the ocular mucosa; 50% Iodine on the 1st liquid has a moderate stimulus; 25%, 5%, 2% and 1% iodine on the 1st liquid without any stimulus . Rabbit skin irritation test showed no skin irritation. Guinea pig skin sensitization test results no sensitization. Therefore, we believe that iodine solution No. 1 is a promising skin and medical device disinfectant.
由于一项研究茶碱药动学过程观察到意外的结果,故进行了口服避孕药对咖啡因处置影响的研究。 9名健康妇女于应用口服避孕前2周和应用后6周时各自服用咖啡因一水化物(相当于2
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本文采用聚集度指标检验法、回归分析法研究了杉木扁长蝽若虫的空间分布型。结果表明:在不同林地、不同虫口密度情况下,均呈聚集分布。若虫的聚集与栖息生境有直接关系。 In t
报道了新农药20%好安威EC防治柑桔害虫、蔬菜害虫、棉花害虫及水稻害虫的药效情况。 Reported the new pesticide 20% good Anwe EC control citrus pests, vegetable pests, cot
39例高眼压或原发性开角型青光眼患者,基础眼压平均为24.2±2.1mmHg,单独点用0.1%地匹福林,一日2次,2周后平均眼压为21.3±2.0 mmHg加用0.5%倍他洛尔点眼,4周后平均眼压明显