要治县 先治乱——大城县化解集体访的调查

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大城县委、县纪委,1996年集中全力狠抓集体访化解工作,一年摘掉了全市闻名的“信访大户”县的帽子,实现了由乱到治的转变。1996年发生到县级集体访3起50人次,比1995年分别下降6倍和9倍,未发生一起越级集体访,被评为全市纪检监察系统信访工作先进单位。稳定的环境促进了经济的发展。1996年全县实现工农业总产值320754万元。他们的经验证明,经济要发展,先要抓稳定。一、面对困扰的选择大城县位于廊坊市南端,辖三乡七镇,43万人口,近京临津,交通便利,县情复杂,群众思想活跃,上访告状多。1995年全县发生到县以上机关越级集体访21起510人次,其中进京集体访就有4起340人次,创下“三个之首”:集体进京访批次属全市之首;田庄村民扛了县委机关牌子到中纪委上访属全市首例;冯庄村81人进京上访亦属全市之首。这种局面不仅使县委、县政府和有关乡镇的正常工作受到很大冲击,大批人力常年围着上访转,而且造成严重的政治影响,受到来自中央、省、市领导机关的严肃批评,真是“民不安、官不宁”。 In 1996, the Prefectural Commission for Discipline Inspection and County Commission for Discipline Inspection concentrated all efforts on resolving the work of collective settlement and one year removed the hat of the famous “petitioners” in the city and realized the transformation from chaos to rule. In 1996, there were 50 county-level collective visits, 6 times and 9 times lower than those in 1995 respectively. No cross-class collective visits occurred and the city was awarded as the advanced unit in the city’s discipline inspection and supervision system. A stable environment promotes economic development. In 1996 the county industrial and agricultural output value 3207540000 yuan. Their experience shows that if the economy needs to develop, we must first focus on stability. First, the face of troubled options Dacheng County is located in the southern tip of Langfang City, administer three townships seven towns, 430,000 population, near Beijing Linjin, convenient transportation, county situation is complex, the masses active thinking, petition pleaded more. In 1995, the county occurred to the authorities above the county level across the level of 21 groups of 510 visitors, of which Beijing had four interviews with 340 people, setting “the first of three”: collective visit to Beijing is the first batch of batches; Tianzhuang villagers carrying the county agency brand to the Central Discipline Inspection Commission petition the city’s first case; Fengzhuang village 81 people petitioning also belong to the city’s first. This situation not only made the normal work of the county party committee and county government and relevant townships and towns seriously affected, a large number of manpower around petitioners around the year, but also caused serious political impact, subject to serious criticism from the leading agencies of the central, provincial and municipal authorities, “Restless, discontented”.
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