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瑞典小卫星奥丁的研究任务包括天文和大气研究两门学科,因为它的主要实验仪器都是辐射仪。为使任务能够完成,不管在指向惯性天体目标(15“绝对指向)时,还是在对地球大气扫描时,姿控系统都要求高精度三轴稳定。主要的敏感器是星跟踪器和陀螺,执行机构是反作用轮和磁线圈。敏感器和执行机构与数据处理系统中专门研制的接口处理器相连,接口处理器起与专用的姿控计算机通信的作用。姿态控制归属于以卫星活动和敏感器/执行机构选择为基础的模式。为测试姿控软件开发了高保真模拟设备,测试严格按专门为控制系统模式安排的计划进行。简单地说,奥丁卫星的姿控是先进的,特别在小卫星系统中,姿控系统是高性能的。它由主承包商瑞典公司(SSC)研制生产。但瑞典、法国和加拿大等国的其他公司和组织也提供了设备和服务。 The Swedish small satellite Odin’s research tasks include astronomy and atmospheric research two disciplines, because of its main experimental apparatus are radiometer. In order to enable the task to be completed, the attitude control system requires high precision 3-axis stabilization both when pointing to an inertial celestial target (15 ”absolute pointing) and when scanning the Earth’s atmosphere. The main sensors are the star tracker and the gyroscope , The implementing agency is the reaction wheel and the magnetic coil.Sensors and actuators and data processing system developed specially interface processor, the interface processor and special position control computer communication role.Posture control belongs to the satellite activity and Sensor / Actuator Selection-Based Modes High-fidelity simulation equipment was developed for testing attitude control software and the tests were conducted strictly in accordance with a schedule that was specifically tailored to the control system mode. Simply put, the attitude control of the Odin satellite is advanced, Attitude control systems are high-performance, especially in small satellite systems and are being developed by prime contractor SSC, but other companies and organizations in Sweden, France and Canada also provide the equipment and services.
4月 7日 ,俄罗斯的质子号 M/微风运载火箭在拜科努尔发射场首飞成功。火箭携带了 M- 18电视中继卫星。质子号 M使用的是数字飞行控制系统和新的微风 M氢氧上面级。第 1级发动
The domestic consumption figures followed data this year showing increases in Chinese consumer confidence that prompted some economists to raise their next-year
那个过斑马线的秋天早晨异常嘈杂,而我却清楚,天空传来一盆仙人掌的哀号,我抬兴看见,它从七十二层高的摩天大楼上坠落 The autumn morning over the zebra crossing was unu