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竹从病床上下来,膝盖就象断了一样,脚底下象踏着云团,软绵绵的,但如果小心点,还是可以走的。总是躺在床上,脚和腰是要僵硬萎缩的,所以她每天强打精神,用一只手扶着走廊的墙,自己上几次厕所。 Bamboo from the bed down, like a broken knee, the foot of the clouds like the crowd, soft, but if you are careful, you can still go. Always lying in bed, the feet and waist are stiff and shrinking, so she strikes every day, holding the wall of the corridor with one hand and using the toilet several times.
小时候,每当上山耪地或是砍柴,我总要带上干粮,傍晌在山坡上拣几块碎石,垒个小灶,引着火,把红薯、芋头拿架起业,烧好了. When I was a kid, whenever I went to the mounta
湖北读者汪士元来信说,他虽生在鱼米之乡,也会做几种鱼肴,但很想了解一下沿海渔民是如何烹制鱼肴的.为此,本栏特刊下文: Wang Shiyuan, a reader from Hubei Province, wrot
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中国举重学会裁判委员会主任曾维祺同志,是我国健美运动的元老.虽年近七旬,但 Zeng Weiqi, director of the China Weightlifting Society Referee Committee, is a vetera
原料:1500克左右的鸡(最好是活鸡)1只,高粱白酒100克,黄酒、葱、姜各50克,精盐、花椒各 Ingredients: 1,500 grams of chicken (preferably live chicken) 1, 100 grams of sorg
食用杂粮好处多,已为营养学界所公认.本文介绍几种,供读者选购时参考. The benefits of miscellaneous grains and more, has been recognized by the nutrition community.
侬家也住东海东,春来韭菜秋来菘.鱼虾蛏蛤般般有,唯爱(虫车)蛤味不同. Lennon also live in the East China Sea, spring leek autumn 菘. Shrimp clam-like, but love (bu
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