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希腊福利制度的衍变历程中经历了三个主要的发展阶段,分别是1950年代到1970年代、1980年代和1990年代至债务危机爆发前夕。希腊战后所面临的社会和经济重建与欧洲的福利化浪潮产生了共振效果,在外部援助和内生动力的促进下,构建了现代化福利国家的初步架构。而真正推动希腊福利制度发展的,是在泛希腊社会主义运动党(PASOK)成为希腊新的执政党之后。泛希社运党大刀阔斧地推进福利发展,但同时也埋下了严重的财政隐患。从1990年代开始,希腊迫于各种压力,对效率低下的原有福利制度和相应的行政体系进行改革,力求避免被不堪重负的社会支出压垮。但直至希腊债务危机爆发,仍然未能解决好财政安全问题。探索希腊经济和社会发展中的问题对于中国的社会福利和保障发展有很强的借鉴意义。 The evolution of the Greek welfare system has gone through three major stages of development: the 1950s and 1970s, the 1980s and the 1990s, on the eve of the debt crisis. The social and economic reconstruction that Greece faced after the war had a resonance effect with the wave of welfare in Europe. With the help of external aid and endogenous motivation, the initial structure of a modern welfare state was constructed. The real impetus to the development of the Greek welfare system came after the Pan-Greek Socialist Movement (PASOK) became the new Greek ruling party. Pan-hsi social movement drastically promoted welfare development, but also laid a serious financial risk. Since the 1990s, Greece has been under various pressures to reform the inefficient old welfare system and the corresponding administrative system in an effort to avoid being overwhelmed by overwhelmed social spending. However, until the Greek debt crisis broke out, it still failed to solve the problem of financial security. To explore the problems in Greece’s economic and social development is of great reference to China’s social welfare and security development.
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